Laughing at
elf, it’s when I feel it.
Eyes on me.
I can never forget that feeling those eyes give me. The pup inside me can feel his gaze the
way he squirms and wiggles in great trembling motions.
“Rya, is something wrong?” I drop my water, spilling it on the floor.
I look out the sliding glass door. Dallas is on the ground, crawling toward the door, his face contorted in anguished distress. He tries to stand, tears spilling over in steady streams that he doesn’t wipe away. The music stops abruptly. He’s struggling with his breath while a warm feeling descends on my belly.
His eyes hit where my words should have spoken.
The wolves at the table stand just as the glass door implodes, sending flying missiles our way. A giant wolf making a grand entrance, it’s the wolf that follows him in that has everyone reaching for knives to kill this monster of nightmares.
It plays out slow motion.
With the glass still raining down on us, the Silverback goes for his son’s throat, bringing him down at Belac’s feet, but not before knives are thrown, trying to stop the charging of the
first wolf. The Silverback takes the knives willingly that were supposed to be for his son.
The great wolf took down by the weakest.
Blood. The metallic taste starts to swirl in the air.
Caleb shifts as the Silverback pulls in labored breaths. He holds his father’s head in his hands, rocking back and forth. Dallas comes in looking at me, looking at his father laying on
the floor.
“Don’t touch him,” he says calmly in the chaos. Dallas is on his knees assessing the situation
caldy, except hands used to handling deadly situations have a fine tromble in his fifiois as he touches where each knife has struck A bubble of blood starts coming out the wolf’s nose. A lung has been punctured.
“Where’s the Test facility? We need to get him there now.” Caleb doesnt look anywhere but to his father now. His legs are red with blood that just koops flowing out with an unstoppable force, Dallas takes his shirt off, ripping it into rags, placing it around the knives that he’s not taking out, trying desperately to stop the flow of blood with hand hold pressure.
“Hold this,” his commanding volce rings out to the nearest wolf that quickly obeys him.
Belac is giving me the eye to explain myself, but I don’t have it in me to say anything.
“This is my pup’s father.” Dallas’s eyes quickly shift my way before being consumed once
again by his father’s need.
“Pick him up gently.” All the wolves follow his direction, including Belac,
It’s quick progress as everyone helps out to carry his great weight, putting him into the back seat. Belac drives the vehicle while Dallas takes the back, along with Caleb, holding
pressure as best they can.
It’s a fast drive, racing against the clock. He doesn’t have much time.
“Caleb, when we get there, call Mom. Tell her she has to come. Tell her to bring our brothers–all of them.” I don’t like the little panic that’s creeping into his words.
Caleb is throwing on some clothes from a bag in the backseat. Through tears, Caleb tells his father that he loves him, that he couldn’t help himself. Belac is cringing into herself.