- 3.
Mark’s mom, bless her heart, actually moved
into the maid’s room.
That evening, I made dinner for Sarah.
Mark, his mom, and Amy show up, drawn in
by the smell.
I give them the cold shoulder.
“Remember, Amy is your responsibility.”
“You’re paying for her, and this food is from
my paycheck.”
Mark hesitates, like he didn’t expect me to
stand my ground.
“Hon, it’s just dinner…”
I see him nudge Amy, who promptly bursts
into tears.
“Mom, I know you don’t like me, but I’m so
“I’ll do chores; just give me some food.”
“At the orphanage, I never had enough to
“I had to eat the leftovers…”
The sob story is in full swing, and Mark and
his mom are eating it up.
Like before, they think I’m a soft touch.
Join the bookshelf
someone who can’t stand to see anyone
And I did.
I fell for Amy’s little performances every time.
That’s how they ended up getting away with
“Sure, if you want to eat here, go wash
Sarah’s clothes.”
“And use your hands.”
“Then, clean her room.”
“Then, clean her room.”
“Oh, and the new couch just arrived
downstairs; go haul it up.”
“Once all that’s done, you can eat.”
Amy stares at me, eyes wide.
I raise an eyebrow.
“You’re the one begging for food, right?”
“You said you’d work.”
“No one forced you.”
“If you can’t handle it, leave.”
She looks at Mark, pleading.
Mark is flabbergasted.
“You can’t make a little kid do all that!”
“You can just hire someone.”
“We can find another maid.”
I look him up and down, voice dripping with
“You promised to take care of her; now you’re
passing the buck?”
“You sound like you do anything around
In front of Amy, it’s the first time he’s been so
blatantly emasculated.
“That’s enough, Lisa!”
“You’re being unreasonable!”
He grabs Amy’s hand and storms out,
followed by his mom.
“We’re eating out!”
“We’re eating out!”