- 4.
Once they’re gone, Sarah looks at me,
“Mom, what’s gotten into you?”
I soften, focusing on her.
“Sarah, do you think I’m wrong for doing
Sarah hesitates, nods, then shakes her head.
Saran nesitates, noas, then snakes ner nead.
“She seems sad, but I don’t like her; she
makes me uneasy.”
“You don’t want to adopt her, and I
understand, but why are you acting like that?”
“Aren’t Dad and Grandma just trying to help?”
I decide to tell her the truth.
“Sarah, Amy’s your dad’s love child.”
I spent my day hiring a private investigator, and I had an idea.
and I had an idea.
My phone screen showed Mark holding Amy,
while another woman hugs his arm.
Sarah stares at the picture, and something
breaks in her eyes.
“No, I don’t believe you; Dad wouldn’t do
I hug her tightly, stroking her hair.
“I’m sorry, but you need to know.”
“In this world, you can only trust yourself.”
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“Your dad brought her here, expecting me to
take care of his other woman’s kid.”
“I won’t do it.”
“And I promise, I’ll always love you.”
Sarah is silent for a long time.
She finally looks up, squeezing my hand.
“I get it.”
“The minute Dad brought Amy here, we
stopped mattering.”
“So, he’s not my dad anymore.
I’m relieved that she understands.