Chapter Three
The little guy, who had been all business,
suddenly turned into a needy little cuddlebug.
“Why didn’t you come home last night? I missed
I held him close, whispering, “Mommy was
working, honey. Remember? I told you I had to work. But I’m off tomorrow, so you want to go to the park?”
My precious son, Charlie, nodded eagerly. “Yes! You’re the best, Mommy!”
The room was stunned. Everyone was staring.
One of my old classmates opened her mouth to say something, but before she could get a word
A handsome guy in a suit came rushing down from the meeting rooms upstairs.
“Honey, I heard you were at the reunion! Why didn’t you call? I would have picked you up!”
The hotel manager, who seemed to materialize
out of thin air, addressed the room in a
professional voice.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mr. Stark, CEO of Stark Industries, the husband of Dr. Ashley
Thompson. If any of you need assistance,
please don’t hesitate to find me, and the Hotel will be more than happy to help.”
The reactions were priceless. Some people
were ecstatic, others looked like they’d swallowed lemons.
The ones who were trash–talking me a few minutes ago were now pale as ghosts.
One of the nicer girls couldn’t help herself.
“Ashley, your husband is Tony Stark?”
“Duh! Did you hear the manager?”
“Wow…talk about a glow up!”
I just smiled, trying to be polite.
Tony, my wonderful husband, gave me the once–over, then pulled me close, looking concerned.
“You just came from the hospital? I told you I would call off the meeting. You should be home resting.”
I nodded. “I will soon.”
Then, ignoring Sarah’s attempts to catch his
eye, he turned his attention to Tom, a flicker of amusement in his gaze.
“You’re the ex–boyfriend, right? Thanks for not marrying her.”
“If you hadn’t been such a putz, I never would
have met my wife!”
Tom didn’t respond.
Ho just stared at mo hic foco a mark of
He just stared at me, his face a mask of disbelief and something like…despair. Then he spoke in a loud accusatory voice: “This is some way for you to get revenge! How much money did you pay to hire those two actors!?”
I took Tony’s hand, gave it a squeeze, and said, “This is my husband, Tony Stark.”
His expression went from shock, to horror, to a blank, dead stare.
Maybe, in another life, I would have felt bad for
But he was right about one thing: the past is
the past. What was the point of dwelling on it?
I had a new man, a kid, a job I loved, and the
happy marriage I never had the first time
I think I am doing okay, to say the least.
I think I am doing okay, to say the least.
Sarah was the one who organized this reunion,
but now that everyone knew who I was…
The mood shifted.
People who were fawning over Sarah were now falling all over themselves to be nice to me.
“Wow, I can’t believe Ashley married Tony
Stark! And Tom just offered her a check, like she was some charity case! So cringey!”
“Right? Acting like his ex–girlfriend was doing so bad, and then she shows up with a billionaire. Priceless!”
“And Sarah? You want to give Ashley a job as a manicurist!?” I heard you are the best doctor in
the city and the hospital’s head surgeon!”
“Ashley, why didn’t you tell us you were
married? We would have thrown you a party!”
It was ridiculous.
I gave a few polite smiles, trying to keep things civil.
But I was done.
Tony and I grabbed Charlie and headed for the door.
As we walked out of the hotel…
Tom came tearing after me.