The othing
“They are. My moms hand are on my shoulder ||
Tear look at her, lyn voice breaks through my cries.
Her heart leparing, pounding in my ears. Thready, not normall |||
(the songe of silemparant the met
love you repeat a
in in Kennedy over and over again the dient say it back. Her fondyerteers.||
My mother cries. Her band never leaves my shoulder, squeezing while tearing in half. No me tells me to stop taking her. Try harder right for them!” I yell over and over again.
I don’t open my eyes, een schon her heart stops. I don’t open my eyes when the first cries hit my
„followed by another distinct ery frock her head in my hands, holding onto her sad
the warmth slips away. The mark on my neck ignites festil that derling is burned away I don’t get off my knees I don’t look can listen
Whiskey hhars his right|||
Starting wear feet, Cassis makes his way to the wall. He ways with hands dug deep i
pinto this pockets, looking at her picture
A mouth full of mumbled apologies are up into his fire. Sometimes his weds are soaked in red age where anger run rampant in his weird to greet her face. There are then s blue, and he chokes and drowns on his own tears, dropping to his knees bedew hewiges his eyes on the edge of his sleeve.
There are times hecho feed all the darkest of his demons. He thinks he’s a monster, think he’s broken.
Sometimes memes are the elor of mint sweet, loving, but ropes into jealousy. Why Cat Les it is confusing because he led mint in his tea. That was one of the few things they did together
1 pet to witness ha confession to the picture on the wall. Does he know I’m not deal? Just voiceless.
“Specs, why aren’t you sleeping?” a light sharhardly notionatids. ||
ever answer his own questions prefer when he answers; that way
It’s almagn tote way between in tasks the questions, and listen. He will sometimes er for ma; only any does heeranw there isn’t anything left unawened between us,
Tknow everything about Cassette Valling, and he knows everything he’s already answered about me wred in the Wilds of Valentine, where my voice was stolen by an ex jealous queen, but one day sose, he thinks the magle will come and talk once apam. He likes to make up the magical stories when I sleep underneath his bed. So far everything he’s made up about me has been wrong. []
There is belied in magic anjmore. I thought playing pretend was one
was over forme, but when I look at Casshes, I want to play pretend again. Where he is the n
e magic, and I’m has wish.
Regarding this picture again, his hand pull out from his deep pockets. Dyload cats his fingers, and the dirt dings underneath his ads. There is a hint of mint below the whiskey of his
He’s been to the crimetery.
Kennedy’s grace will ever be forgotten by him. His would never casted on me.
Why are you still up so late, Spe?” Ashrug of my shoulder. What I do says that I waned to be here when you got home from the party. I know exactly where to sit to be discreetly away in give him spare when he comes in this room look at her but when he turn, he’ll see me I want him to see me with my red earrings on
“Couldn’t sleep, could your Meherback looking at her. Raising his hand again, almost to touch her face. Almost. ||
There’s old blood on Cassius’s hand. He won’t pick up the twin weklood still clings to the webbing between his fingers. He wont let them see him with his own blood that sticks to him like a secondakan. 1 see the blood. I always understand the blood. He doesn’t ge that seek for some reason, he doesn’t hide it from me. Do I want to ask him why he must always bleed? 1
lasdī from his harda, kiss his knuckles, and tell him you don’t have to suffer to make yourself feel better. You’vealreadybleyourselfoough]
I met someone tonight, Treasure. It’s inuant my hate feels shocking told the way ice at feel when it’s been splashed on my face. I could choke on my ownicy shiver. Cassius seems to faces better now. His way in der while away hits me fear chases at the beat of my heart Pumping the blood is my ears, suffocating all other sounds away
Do I want to ask who? I cant ask, preferring to stay entirely. It’s a balance is keep the quick shine out of my eyes and so from coming out the middle of my throat, but then again Tve had practice with keeping all my sounds