TJ was mad.
TJ slapped Brittany, but Dad stopped him.
“TJ, you want to kill me! Brittany is having my
baby! And it will be a boy!”
“Brittany’s kid will be the owner, go away!”
TJ yelled, and his eyes were bloodshot.
He pointed at Brittany.
“She is trash; you can’t be with her!”
But Dad slapped him.
“Scram! Get divorced and I am with her!”
TJ tasted blood.
He did not expect that.
Brittany did it!
But he did not think Brittany would kill him.
He will deal with it after, and then Dad will
have him.
He was wrong.
Brittany would not let go of the opportunity.
She found TJ’s enemies.
They took their chance and hurt him.
They wanted to destroy him.
TJ was young, and offended people.
They teamed up to burt bim
TJ was going to go to jail.
He had to ask Dad.
But Dad was going to listen to Brittany.
They gave him money and kicked him out.
He was a beggar.
He went to a small city and rent a small place
and drank.
He had not took shower.
He stinked.
He only thought of Riley.
He loved those times.
Riley only wanted him to love her.
He remembered when he made her happy.
They will be happy, but he ruined it.
TJ ordered a lot of drinks and yelled Riley.
He had been out for a while and did not open
the window.
The landlord went up and banged but TJ was
The landlord called the cops.
Dad hired people and put TJ back in the
Dad hired people and put TJ back in the
empty house and watches him.
Brittany added more people to watch him.
She was afraid he will take everything back.
She wanted him to rot.
TJ tried to run a few times, but he gave up.
He got really bad.
Dad lived with Brittany and did not care about
He was skinny and had a mental illness.
The guards treat him good.
Dad got worried and went to help TJ.
TJ did not want help, he wanted Riley’s ashes.
He did not sense Riley was here.
He thought it was because of the ashes.
He did not know that when Brittany threw the
ashes down the toilet, Riley was free.
Before she left, she looked at TJ.
She needed to remember him but go away
from him!
TJ passed out.
When be weas about to die be asked for
She had a lot of maids.
TJ got on his knees.
“Where is Riley! I am going to die and will
never take anything from you, please give the
ashes back to me and I will die with her!”
Brittany laughed and said, “They were thrown
down the toilet, and you will never see her!
You can’t be together!”
TJ got mad and went to run to Brittany.
Before the maids could stop him, Brittany had
to be sent to the hospital.
TJ used the chance to go to the hospital.
Brittany and the baby was okay, and she did
not like TJ.
At night, she loved her great life, and then
somebody went to her room.
She got killed and so did the baby, this was
Riley’s payment.
TJ was sent to jail and said he did it.
Dad was mad but TJ was his only son.
So, he tried to get him out.
TJ killed himself in jail on the first day.
He said, “Riley, I am coming to be with you.”