- 4.
Brittany’s the one who likes French food.
Brittany’s the one who likes to travel and live
that fancy life.
In his eyes, I was just a simple, boring girl.
Trying to act fancy, climbing the social
ladder, like a leech.
Greg never said it out loud, but he never
argued with his friends when they said it.
He hesitated for a moment.
“I’m so busy, I just don’t have time to pay
attention to you.”
“And I took Brittany to Montana for work.
She’s designing the new line.”
“You wouldn’t understand. So don’t worry
about it.”
He didn’t want me to misunderstand anything.
with Brittany.
In his mind, she was perfect, never wrong.
Even when she cheated on him, he managed
to convince himself she had a reason.
Brittany would never be the “other woman.”
It’s beneath her.
I nodded. “Okay. Don’t you have to go to
work? You said you were busy.”
Greg looked annoyed.
“, can’t you think about me for once? Who
do you think I’m working so hard for?”
“If you could do anything to help me, I
wouldn’t have to do this.”
I nodded. “It’s okay. You don’t have to.”
The divorce lawyer texted me and asked to
meet up.
I turned around to change.
“Hey, get back here! I can’t even talk to you
without you getting all defensive. What kind
of wife are you?”
It’s like we’re living in the 1800s or something.
Greg’s the one who’s been giving me attitude
for eight years.
I changed and left.