Since nobody spoke, my dad slammed his
cane on the floor, glaring at Amanda.
“Who said that?” he barked. “Who said those
werde 2!!
He didn’t even tell her to kneel. She dropped
to the floor, tears and sweat falling
She didn’t dare look my dad in the eye.
Steven was silent.
He knew who I really was.
He just took advantage of my parents being
away to mess with me, bully me.
Now that they were back, he was cowering,
But Amanda’s friend, Brittany, decided to be
brave and speak up, “Mr. and Mrs.
Blackwood, Amanda said it.”
“But she was just punishing Katherine, the
orphan you took in.”
“You don’t know how awful she’s been. She
called Amanda a nobody, and she said she
was the real Katherine Blackwood. It was
Amanda was trying to deny it, but Brittany
sold her out.
Amanda gave her a look that could kill.
Brittany smiled, thinking she was going to get
a pat on the back.
My dad gave a look, and a bodyguard kicked
She fell, bleeding and screaming.
The room froze. Nobody dared to speak, all
standing there, scared.
Nobody knew why my dad was so angry.
“You don’t get to speak to me,” he said.
“Tell your dad to come here and beg at my
door for three days. Then I will see if his sins
can be forgiven.”
“If he doesn’t do it, he will be broke!”
Brittany couldn’t say anything. She was
dragged out, crying.
Then, Michael stepped forward, smiling.
‘ ‘,
“Mr. Blackwood, Brittany is young. If she said
something wrong, please ignore it.”
“But what she said was right. Katherine is
“You were not around to see the crazy things
that Katherine has been doing. She has done
some terrible things!”
I glanced at Michael. It was a good thing he
liked Amanda.
If I married him, my life would be over.
He was going to get what he deserved.
This time, my dad looked at me.
“What do you want me to do to him?” he
“Should I break one of his arms?”
He deserved whatever he got.
But before I could speak, Michael laughed.
“Katherine, now you’re scared, right?”
“If you had apologized to Amanda, everything
would be fine, but you did not listen.”
“Now, your dad will break one of your arms.
You did this to yourself!”
I had more conditions. “Add one of his legs.”
“Okay,” my dad said.
Two bodyguards grabbed Michael.
He asked, “Mr. Blackwood, why are you
grabbing me? You should be grabbing
My mom looked angry.
“Don’t say her name!”
Before she was done speaking, a bodyguard
punched Michael.
The others were confused.
Why were my parents doing this?
The bodyguard punched Michael.
Then, the bodyguards grabbed his arms and
legs. Michael screamed.
His arms and legs were broken. He couldn’t