Chapter 216
1 undress fast, picking up one of his wom shirts, slipping in over my body it’s still warm.
He tum his head to the tide extching the Moon’s flow outlined within his eyes. Hexwatching me standing in the middle of the room, watching him. His eyes roam from my feet to land heavy on my chest. I can feel my nipples t magh the thin. ||
He looks hack at the ceiling. You need to wear more in bed, Spres. Your’re too ble to wear my shirts now.” He crosses his arms over his chest and turm his head once again to face me
Did you want something. Trewyer? His low voire domat interrigt the deep night, I watch the way his throat moves with a mellow.
My mouth open up lan nothing come nut
He breathes out through his nose. long and controlled, and 1 bave lost my breath||
“Goodnight, Specs.” He turns over with his back facing me and his face to the wall.
Idke to slip past boundaries and reach out, touch him. Imtead, I stare, and this is enough for now. It’s enough for now, I think as I slip underneath the bed with my palms pressed against the baseboards trying to feel for the movement of his body above me.
This is destruction. To love is to love run. Can nun ever love you back?
You wanted to talk last might just couldn’t talk about that. Not Kimbrely. It’s a subject I couldn’t talk to you about []
You wanted to know how could I? How could I have done that to someone 1 loved or thought of as a little sister?
at the time. I pastified my actions and said a baby would bring the family doser together. I’d watch the baby when Kimberly want to school. The baby would make things between Clayton and me better. His parents would have something to think about other than getting me away from their son. Clayton’s mother would see how good I was again. We would bond over the baby-]]
want some plot having Kimberly become pregnant; it just happened. That day, her mother asked me to bring her a plate of food to the secure area. I save fake sitting around, nesang any cracks he thought he could see. He was pawing at the windows, and I smelled the scant he was spraying along the side of the container.
Kimberly and I talked a long time and I felt bad for her, it’s something all females have to bear, the cold sweats, the pain, the cramping the unrelenting pressure inside your cum to be
alled into so you can burst open. Kimberly was sweating and holding her stomach. She was in real pain. I know that kind of pain. It’s what drove me to you.
When I was going to lock the door hack up. I stood there looking at the key in my hand, and I had that first thought. If Kimberly had a baby, everything would be better. The family would get doser the heat would be off Clayton and me. Everyone would be concentrating on her The pup. I wanted that baby, too I wanted a baby for myself. It all came like flashes, the way I could raise the pup because Kimberly was really young and the still has high school to finish then college. It would be years before she would be independent enough to move out with ber marts, who was still at school. I’d convince the family and Jake that he needed to go back to college so he could support her. I needed Jake out of the way for the now–budding plan to work.
The more I thought about things with that key in my hand, the motel saw this future that could be mine. I wanted that baby, and when I walked away from the secure area. I didit lock the door
You ached me how could I love Kimberly like a sister and do that to her? Simple, 1 loved Clayton more than his sister, and I would do anything for us. That’s how I justified it in my mind. I was building a future for me and Clayton, his sister could have more pupa, ones that are hers, but this one would be mine. Sacrifices are made for love, and this was a sacrifice that would be
This is easier to say writing it on paper instead of talking to you and watching your face. You have a hard time hiding your emotions, and that disgust would spread across your face and I’d see it, and maybe I’m selfish, but I didn’t want to see it, so that’s why I told you I couldn’t talk about what I did to Kimberly.||
Jake and Kimberly sely needed one right, because when her mother went to her in the morning, she found them still locked up. She had to pour cold water on him to get them apart. She asked me if I locked up last night, and I said yes, it was the very first let ever told her. I told her yes, and she looked at me. Im not sure the believed me, probably not. I prayed to the Moon that it would be enough, their night together. I prayed and prayed, and when her heat was done and the didn’t bleed, I cried with her, not because I was scared like her, but because I saw this as a new beginning. A new start. A baby!