After I toon the college examination Chapter 1

After I toon the college examination Chapter 1

After the college entrance 

examination, I blew up the whole 



I skipped grades, freshman to senior

I was the youngest in the whole class

My parents didn’t want me to study

They wanted me married off

Mrs. Davies, my guidance counselor, kept 

showing up at my house

She talked them into letting me stay in 



The day I left with her, she wiped a tear from 

my eye

Don’t cry, honey. I’ll make sure you get an 


My classmates were amazing too

Helping me with homework, saving me the 

best snacks

In my room, I swore to remember them all

So, after graduation, at the party at Mrs. 

Davieshouse, I lit the fuse

I didn’t miss a single one

The air was thick with the smell of burnt 


The cops arrived, staring at the charred 


I sat on the couch

My feet rested on Mrs. Daviesparents

After checking for more bombs, they pointed 

their guns at me

Hands up! Don’t resist!” 

I raised my hands

Officer, two kids were in the bathroom. Can

check if they’re dead?” 

The older cop saw the carnage


He glared at me

Look what you’ve done! Don’t think being

minor gets you off!” 

I shook my head

I wasn’t planning on getting off

They took me to interrogation

I didn’t say a word

Then a cop rushed in

Forty bodies confirmed at the scene.” 

I relaxed

Good. No one got away


The cop slammed his hand on the table

Ashley! How can you smile at a time like 


Why did you bomb the whole class? Do you 

know what this does to those families?” 

I nodded

I know. That’s why I stayed. It was all me.

built the bomb.” 

Case closed. Nothing more to say.” 

The principal arrived, pointing a shaky finger 

at me

Why would you do this?” 

If it weren’t for Mrs. Davies, you’d be married 

off by now!” 

Your classmates cared about you, the 

youngest one. They looked out for you

You’re worse than an animal!” 

The old man was speechless with rage

Behind him, I saw the school psychologist, Dr. 


She always helped me

She was the only one who cared besides Mrs. 


I looked at Dr. Evans

I’m sorry. Dr. Evans. Sorry to drag you into 

She looked hesitant

Ashley, your psych tests were clear. You’re a healthy kid. Is something going on? Tell the 


Maybe, maybe it’ll help you.” 

I grinned. Dr. Evans was too kind

After I toon the college examination

After I toon the college examination

Status: Ongoing


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