Mike didn’t believe it. He thought he would be
the project manager again. The other workers
made fun of him.
He couldn’t stand this. The person who was
being laughed at wasn’t being respectful to
him. He quit on the spot.
Unfortunately for him, the video of the boss
wasn’t the only thing that got popular, his
parents did too.
Companies weren’t hiring because of the
crazy parents.
- 9.
There was good news, Lily told him she was
The parents were happy and told the two to
get married as soon as possible. The job can
come later.
The two got married, and I got a message
from Lily in the middle of the night. She told
me to go to the wedding.
This was insulting. Was I some kind of joke?
I blocked her and went to sleep.
I thought Lily was crazy, because that’s how
she avoided work.
Mike’s dad wanted her to cook, she burned
the kitchen.
Mike’s mom wanted her to wash the clothes,
she ruined the washing machine.
The two elders started hating Lily and giving
her a hard time.
They gave her gross water to drink so she
could have a son. They made her eat
She wanted to eat peaches, and Mike’s mom
didn’t let her. She said the baby might try to
run away.
Her family brought cherries, but the two ate
them all. “Lily, we don’t want you to eat them.
You might miscarry!”
Lily complained to Mike, but he was looking
for a job. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with
Lily never wanted this. She wanted Mike
because he was rich, but it was all gone.
She didn’t give up.
Mike got a new job, he only worked three
hours every day and made almost the same
amount of money.
Not long after he got the job, the company
wanted to do a retreat.
He went without any suspicion.
And never came back.
The family was trying to contact Mike, and
called the cops. It turned out the company
was a scam. They were transferring their
employees to Burma.
That place, you can’t ever leave.
The police were going to try to rescue Mike,
but it was dangerous.
Mike’s dad shook his head. He had to save
his son.
The two started selling the house, getting
loans, and selling everything.
Lily was getting bigger, and she was going to
have to live in an apartment.
She ran into me when she was selling her
“Are you here to laugh at me?” She said.
I shook my head. “No. I’m just trying to help
you. Don’t throw your life away for a fool.”
“Not really. Thank you for getting rid of my
trash. You can make mistakes, you have to
find the right path.”
Lily went away, but I knew she was thinking
about what I said.
She took all of the money and disappeared.
I don’t know where she went, but a few days
later, the elders got a box. It had the body of
a baby.
Mike’s dad started bleeding and fell. It was a
Mike’s mom was furious, and blamed the
whole world.
Now that there wasn’t money, they couldn’t
rescue Mike. She just had to take care of her
I got to the new company, and all of my new
coworkers were normal. Everyone understood
me, and the company was harmonious.
A world without sociopaths was beautiful.