Chapter 225
Thanks, Mom.” He bends to rest his cheek against the top of her head. ||
“You want to go check on Mrs. Dink?” Cassius asks Dee, and she’s already running to get her boots on. It rained three days ago, but she needs them to not get dirty. When he brought homa their rain boots, both Ken and Dee worddn’t take them off, and Cassins got the hose out so they would have puddles to splash in that afternoon. He even brought me a pair that day so I could splash with them. He laughed at us playing in the water as he sat against the tree with his sketch book. When I went to bed that night, I didn’t let these slip off my face when I scooted underneath the wood frame after Cassis asked me, “Do you need anything. Treasure?|||
“Specs, you coming?” Do’s small hand stretches out to mine before she goes outside. When I look up at Cassius, he nods his head that it’s all right to come. I don’t want to intrude on their
times, but the way she’s smiling. I don’t want to say no, to I get up, put on my matching boots and walk outside with them to the farm.
Cassius is humming a song under his breath.
Letter 10
You tried to kiss me last night. You were so close, then what happened? You pulled away, turned away, walked away.
I would have let you!
let you kiss me. A real kiss is that what you were going to do? Give me some kind of romantic kiss? 1
was wahing for it. You couldn’t deliver
Remember the first time you kissed me? I hit your up, and you but me right back. We both were left blood–smeared. I’ve never been handled that way, so rough and uncaring. Then again, I’ve never handled anyone as rough as I handled you. I’ve never been so terrified of someone before. You terrified me, and I can see how I terrified you
You caught me hiding on the island. You hunted me like some kind of animal I’m not an animal. I’m not anything you accused me of being that day. You were so angry, Cash. So very very angry, and I wanted you to become enraged 1 wanted you to be the monster 1 was accusing you of being I know I brought you over the edge when I pointed to the spot where I lost my virtue to Clayton. I wanted you to go there so I could say you’re pathetic. I could say you are everything Laccused you of. So I told you how good it was to have an Alpha between my legs; I told you that you couldn’t compare to him. You could never be him and that I will never forget this spot. You could do anything you wanted to me, but I would never forget that spot I would never forget Clayton. I told you that when you kissed me, it would be Clayton I will pretend to kiss, When you fuck me, I would be fucking Clayton, never you. You got so quiet, didn’t you? So fucking quiet that I knew I pushed you over the edge and I was happy I did it.
I could feel your rage, and I loved it. I was so happy when you pulled me into your arms and tried to kiss Clayton out of me. I bit you so hard, and I told you that the only way to get me is to force yourself on me. That you are a weak little wolf who even a mate doesn’t want to fuck. I laughed at you and told you only weak wolves force themselves on weaker wolves.
I watched how you lost your balance. You sat down on a log with mushroom growing from the decaying trunk. You were a massive dick, and I was a massive cunt. I’m just saying the truth of how it was in the beginning for both of us. I know you agree with that.
You couldn’t get up, so I ran as fast as I could and remembered being so tired when I tried to swim to shore. I was so tired, and when I started going underwater, it feh peaceful when I did sup lower and lower without the noise, without the fear, everything was calming once I let go of the fear of dying. I chose death than to be without Clayton, but you had to come and rescue me, you had to take that peace away, and I was such a bitch to you after that
I could get underneath your skin, couldn’t 17 All I had to do is memian something and you’d balance on that edge. Swaying.
Back then 1 hated you so much, but I hated Rya sa much more. I fucking hated her for coming back, for being some kind of fucking mirade that everyone felt sorry far. There was nothing I could do about Rys, but I could hurt you. I could hurt you so I could feel better.
I won’t lie, fighting Rya that day felt so fucking good. She threw bread at me, and I almost laughed out loud. Bread. Of all the things she could have thrown and she picked bread she might have got me good a few times, but I was kicking her ass. If we weren’t split apa. would have killed her that day. I would have, and I don’t think I would have even felt bad about it. Would 1 regret it? Fuck no. The look Dallas gave me was intense. You stepped in front of that look. He hates me. I can see it in bar eyes. Ha hares me. I think he’s a fucking dick for fucking with kya in the first place[]