I was able to sell the house without an issue.
I was able to sell the house without an issue.
Nothing bad or worrying happened.
The mother wasn’t there and the girl wasn’t
I knew what was supposed to happen.
I had all the money with me to start what was
supposed to happen.
“The new girl was sleeping with the son. I
can’t believe that!”
She kicked the new girl on the ground.
Then, that was it.
I walked away from there.
I heard from them 2 years from that.
I was doing really well.
People thought I was doing really well.
Then, they wanted to get with me for what
was happening.
was happening.
I had what everyone wanted with no ties back
to the previous situation.
I wanted to move on with my life.
There were other people out there.
There were other people that were trying to
make me feel the right way.
Everything was working out fine.
I had someone that wanted to be with me.
Then, there was a trip to the previous town
that I used to live in.
I ran into the girl.
She had a bad run with life.
She was sleeping with older men to make
She had scars that were from before.
I realized what was going on.
Lisa took over everything.
She made a debt that went to her.
Lisa did not know what she was doing.
I realized what was going on.
Lisa took over everything.
She made a debt that went to her.
Lisa did not know what she was doing.
She was trying to scam her way through it.
She was arrested for that.
Then, the mother had fallen off the wagon.
All the money was gone.
The food was all gone.
The house and everything was all gone.
I walked away from there.
Everything that was supposed to happen,
Then, everything was good.
Everyone paid for what they did.
I went to visit the plot for Mark.
I wanted him to know what was all happening.