Chapter 228
“Are you all right. Trenere?” Caleh asks. I ran awer him. I’m not really all right, but what did I expect for being in love with a fantasy? I played at pretend, and now, I’m paying the price of
realizing that it wasn’t rest
“Harel in not his type“]
I’d like to ask Caleb what’s Cassius’s type is, bot 1 think he’s just doing it for my sake. Caleli turns up the movie in the bark, dove in the front
To tell you the truth. I don’t think Hazel would be a good fx, and not because she mucks in Yepis, Everyone needs to earn a living cash dheint need another Rennedy, and from what I’ve hard she reminds me of Kennedy. He had that, and it was hard on everyone. We wanted to like her, we did. I couldn’t love her. She was the vilest creature I have ever met. True story. Don’t
Cash told Clayton I didn’t like Kennedy once, and he punched me in the face. I don’t want to fight my birther. Kremely int worth brothers to fight over Caleb’s sode is hushed as he looks in the review mirror at the kids, who are now eating crackers and drinking their juice boxes, watching their favorite movie. I can never work the controls back there, bur Ken’s mastered n.
“You know if you need somewhere to stay, you can come back?“]
I reach out and pathum on his cheek
“Will you shank me again?” His voice is a hardset of words, I shrug my shoulders, not knowing what to answer because I can’t promise that
ally thinks Cassia will fuck Hazel. I don’t ask I koop the questions to myself. Deep down I know what he’s doing. Deep down
Caleb throws his head back and laugh. I’d like to ask him if he really I know: []
Whenever we see someone he knows on the road, he waves and gives a hork. ||
“Who says you can live your best life driving a minivan?” The windows are down, and he’s smiling as if he owns the world.
Pulling up to the farm kya is minding there holding a bouquet of wildflowers. Her belly is slightly showing; she’s having a female. It’s the first time ever for a Valentine to have a female in their alpha line, Dallas puts Chance down to run toward the van when we stop.
Aya always smelis better than the entire Geld of wildflowers. She makes me want to take big breaths in put out until I’m full of her scem, tingles at my bones and makes me feel giddy, almour drunk, if I stay too long around her. Those are the times I want to kiss Cassius the most or touch him. My skin feels alive and excited when Casshes and Rys are out and I’m there with them. I get hungry, pastor for food. For skin in my mouth for teeth to scrape against flesh. For my tongue to taste him. Some other females say the same thing they say they get horny for their mates being around Rya
Cassius isn’t my mate, but when I’m around Bya, he feels like he could be. Those ringles, the feeling of his eyes on me, his scent changes, and I can actually taste at the back of my throat Once Cassius put his arms around me and held me on his lap and told me I melled different when we had a sleepover at Hya’s house because Dallas was away at a seminar. He was stone hard underneath his pants. I felt it. His cock was hard, and I was on his lap. His hands were on my thighs, and I felt the shaft of his hips. His breathing was hot, and I was on fire. Rys walked in on us and Cassius mumbled he had to go to bed. In the morning he said sorry that he had a lot to drink, and it got away from him. Those words feh like an execution.
Cath hardly drank after that. [
“Treasure, where are your earrings?” Bya murls my hair around my ear.
“Sore subject. Kya.” Caleb answers for me
“What happened?”
“Cash is an idiot.” Caleb walks away, and Dallas and Rya are left staring at my face.||
Tm making wildflower soap today, Treasure. Do you want to help I nod my head with a smile, but a shriek from Ken has the Wild evacuate skin to fur with dizzying speed. The warrior goose has him lying on the ground as wings spread wide over the top of Jum. We small Ken’s Blood, and there is an execution of a goose that stood no chance against the teeth of a Wild She tears into the bird the rips out its feathers, she tosses it in the alt. The Wild disembowels the fowl |
When Caleb tries to approach, the wild shows him blood–dripping teeth that are sharper than a silver shapk
“That was aggressive.” Caleb says to chase the Wild, but when he sees Ken’s bloody kneg, ren he wears a white flash of teeth.
“Don’t worry, Treasure, the goose had it coming” Dallas says as he picks up er in his arms and looks at his gravel riddled hands and his torn up kesen is still screaming as if all his lifeblood is coming out of his body. He cries as if he’s been torn apart.||