Chapter 229
“Ken, you get to choose the Band Aid. Let’s clean that up.” Dallas has him in his arms thee and Chance are holding hands, following Dallas with concern in their eyes.]
When Caleb tries to get close to the now for apart goose, the Wildnis at his hand. Her kill, she won’t release it. She might even eat the bones; that’s how mad she is about Ren getting on her watch
We are left outside until nothing remains of the goose except feathers. Alpha Clinton has come to inspect the injured, and the Wildis so fall she’s laying belly up in the sun with her tongue hanging out. He bends down and takes her jaw in his hand; her teeth remain tucked in tight just like her ta
“Good job.” He lets her face go. pires a quick scratch behind her ear, and walks toward the house. Ken has stopped crying, but his limp is excessive.
“Are you sure he didn’t break his leg Caleb asks, Dallas doesn’t answer him back.[]
“Good thing our intle warrior was here.” Alpha Clinton picks up Ken and holds him to him, smolling his neck with a small bite to his shoulder that doesn’t break the skin.
The Wildas full. Ken is safe, and her Alpha just called her little warrior. Her life is simple, and she rests in the sun, soaking up the rays, keeping one eye on the twins, content and happy.
Letter 11
You asked me what was wrong last night before bed. I wanted to tell you. Everything “Everything is wrong, this entire situation between is wrong. I’m wrong. You’re focking wrong for not giving up on me. I’m not someone you should fight for Cash. I’m not worth your fight. Instead of telling you what’s wrong. I faced the wall and pretended to fall asleep. You turned your back pressed your spine against mine, and fell asleep for real
I’m afraid Clayton will forget about me in time. He’s going to forget about us and how much I loved him. I don’t want to he forgotten by him, and it sme traide that I might be. I’m afraid for him to move on, and what’s really screwed up is that I want you to forget about me Forget about all of this turn this into some kind of obscure dream that you can wake up and move on
you’ll be a better
I was tired today. I’m so tired. It was hard to lift the paintbrush, so you took at from my hand and finished the spot I was working on. You’ve gotten so good. I think in time, y artist than me. You should practice in all mediums, day, charcoal, acrylics, try woodworking or stonework. I think you could be good at anything. It just takes time and patience, and I know you’ve got patience.[
If the twins show promise in their art, cultivate it. Praise them and make them feel as if what they are doing is something meaningful and not just stupid drawings that will never amount to anything. My parents never supported my art; they didnt think it was something you could make a living off of. I never went to art school I should have gone. I was afraid to be away from Clapton and he was afraid for me to be away from him. He didn’t support me going, so I stayed home
That is a big regret in my life. I should have gone. I should have left and gone to art school instead of staying in the pack. Maybe we would have met under different circumstances? You can’t go back in time. You can only go forward until your time is up. I really don’t have much time left. You know it. I can see the devastation in your eyes
Whenever I bring it up, you shut me up. You can’t talk about it, and I can’t bear to see that look in your eyes. Life’s not fair. You want the things you can’t have, and I want the things I can’t have, either. It’s not easy, Cash. This isn’t easy on me. I know you want me to be stronger, to fight harder, but I’m too tired to want things anymore
I heard your mother on the phone with Caleb. I guess Rys cheated on Dallas with Clayton. She’s not so perfect now, is she? Your mother turned to your father and told him Dallas is coming home by himself
That’s what made me really upset today. Dallas is coming back, and I don’t like your brother at all. I don’t like the way he looks at me. I don’t like Caleb, either. He’s an asshole. A giant asshole who thinks he’s this masterpiece of a wolf. He’s not a masterpiece. He’s a masterpiece of shat. You know he called me a bitch to my face, and maybe I deserved it, but fuck him for saying it He’s no different than me in a way, he’s fucked females that aren’t his mate, yet he judges me but can be friends with Clayton? I don’t want the twins around him