My dad’s face turned white. He looked at
Jason Jr. “Jason, please say something! Tell
him Ashley saved you!”
Chad nodded. “Jason, Ashley saved you! Why
is Mr. Sterling hitting us?”
Ashley pushed Jason Jr. “Jason, I saved you.
Tell them!”
Jason Jr. walked up to Sterling Sr. “Dad, I
saw Ashley saving us. Lia wants to steal us
away from her. Don’t listen to her!”
Jason Jr. stared at me.
“Is that so?”
Sterling Sr. looked at Jason Jr.
Jason Jr. looked uneasy. “Yes! If it wasn’t for
Ashley we wouldn’t be here today!”
Sterling Sr. slapped Jason Jr. and kicked him
in the stomach.
“You are lying!”
Sterling Sr. was mad and continued to kick
Jason Jr.
Jason Jr. covered his stomach. “Dad, why are
you hitting me? I’m your son!”
“Lia is horrible. You shouldn’t beilieve her!”
Jason Jr. looked at me angrily.
I realized it.
Jason Jr. had done this. All this information
be bad stated in the media was all a set up
he had stated in the media was all a set up.
Before I was killed I was able to send
information to Sterling Sr.
Sterling Sr. glared at Jason Jr. “You think you
got away with everything.‘
Jason Jr.’s face was pale. “Dad, what are you
saying? I don’t understand.”
Sterling Sr. said, “You started the fire. And
you weren’t even there!