- 4.
It was pouring as I left.
The driver pulled away from the curb, and I
settled into the backseat, the city hushed by
the rain. Suddenly, a roar of an engine filled
the air. A black motorcycle pulled up
alongside us. Through the window, I saw
Julian, drenched to the bone, riding his multi-
million dollar bike, stubbornly keeping pace
with the car.
The driver checked the rearview mirror,
I shook my head. “Ignore him.”
Julian wasn’t one to give up easily. He was
used to getting his way.
He gunned the engine, the bike roaring past
us, then swerved, cutting us off. The driver
slammed on the brakes.
We almost hit him. It was a close call.
Thankfully, it was late, and the streets were
mostly empty. The rain was coming down
harder now, obscuring Julian’s figure.
He dismounted and walked over to my
window, silently tapping on the glass, his
gesture desperate. I lowered the window a
crack, the rain instantly misting my face.
Water streamed down Julian’s face. He held
out the small ring.
I didn’t move, just looked at him,
His lips were white.
“Julian,” I said, “you scared me.”
He flinched as if burned. He blinked rapidly,
tears mixing with the rain as they trailed
down his cheeks. He didn’t try to touch me
again. He looked like he could barely stand.
I rolled up the window and told the driver to
- go.
Julian was left standing in the pouring rain, soaked through.
This time, he wouldn’t follow.
- 5.
- 5.