Chapter 5
The water like a chores of whisper, surrounded me, filling my war with their mummeringa.
1 ford my eyes open only to be met with area of faces their expressions a mixture of contem and curiosity
Where, Minding liga fonded my vision, obazirag the deach of my turranadina ||
I whispered, the redization aming over me. The Lord has let me depot can’t believe. My eyes fluered dosed, only to respena more, and it was still the same
“Doctor, she Lawake” one of themaid their reclear and ring
“I’m alive,” 1 niummized reporting the worth in ifto convince meld at their truth. “T’in alive,”
My body was flooded with a ruch of emotions, relief mixed with a sense of need. And with that, everything went blank]]
AcTrepaired conciousness, the meady beeping of machines and the whirring af medical equiposant filed myears. The effon in rook to sh up was immense, each movement accompared by a sharp stabbing pain that pierced through my body ||
Iped at my stomach, feeling the mansial of my hospital gown bunck beneath any fingers ||
Amarie, her late a picture of carem, rushed to mybeduće ||
Are grankap? the asked her vaire gentle and calming. [
“Yes” Imanaged, my mice shaky but resins.“ja ke?”
Her pindal expression cut deep. No words were needed; my bushvaand’s absence screamed volumes.]]
Crushed Imaged as the hospital bed, eyes shut, and memories flooded my mind)]
Seven agsdizing years. Indien sacrifiers. Unrelenting devation. Wasn’t Lennigh? What did Tredy possess that | Larkond? ||
Was that had that he couldn’t love me in my pan life and now streamed down my face as anush wracked my sond]
Durned around, my hack facing the nurse from the marte, to avoid her asking shesheri watakapornot All I wanted was time tumpat.
Esqueezed myself together, ignoring the pain, when my hands touched my mach my eyes widened, I turned around to face the RA||
“My child,” I whispered, the sand a desperate plex. The nurse wonder meet my gare, her eyes downcast as if searching for a way out of this romeration. “My child.” Invoi macking with emotion
The nurse finally backed at me. “You lost your child,” she whispered, her voice harry with compassion)
1 stared at fer fender, my lips trembling as the words registered in my head]
“What?” My voice trembled, filled with anguish and dichelist. “No.” protested, the denial more a reflex than a corocious thought. ||
“No, this can’t be true. My child, my baby “I choked back asah, my hand rising to cover my mouth as If so stide the sound of my grief. “You must be wrong. I insisted my voice racking with desperation. “You must be wrong.‘
The pure and enveloped me in a comforting embrace, offering what little solace she could. But even as her gearle auch worked tooth my federer, her words brought with them a new, terrifying prosper. ||
sm,” she whispered.[]
“There’s another new, ma’am” dhe
When we could be worse than that of melaning my child
The nur face fell her eyes brimming with empathy. You you ran never be amecher:”||
“I can never be what? 1 ed out, the words slipping from my lipa in a garbled me of argun. The pain, adapper twisting in my gut, radiated through my entire being each breath a teruggle agama the sorrow that demanded to coppure me.
My body angledapalıntı bed, my linda heavy with grief and despair. ||
diden younake my soul?” i pleaded with the be
heavens, my voice hoarse and name from the sabs that shook my entire body!]
“What the purpose of living?‘t save my child in my past life, and now I still did not save them. What type of mer
Dized my lanch and beranishii mpelf, but the nurse held my hand. My tears continued to flow,
The nurse, her arm wrapped tightly around me, her words, repeated over and ours.
r, somdesi hallow in the face of my heartbreak||
After what felt like an eternity. I was let alone stygare fed the celling my eyes now fel heavy. My lack fek stiff, and sossed around now facing the window
ling with the ettari.
With a shoky Ived. I unclipped the 1 line from my arm winding the needle slid free. With a razred breath, forced myself is stand, my legs trembling
proring the throbbing ache in my stomach, I reageered towards the door, opening it with a cations creak. I saw no one and Estepped out used one of my hands to steady my Bodien. winning at the full pain that seemed to pube with every nep
1 banded a cab. In no time war’s home, our home. loomed before me a reminder of everything that had been lost,
I pushed the from deer open. And there he was, Jake, holding Emily on his lap. I thought I world burn a whole city down the d heling her close, bring treated the way I had begged him to treat me, I couldnt even light a match ||
day I would see him with only. But being Emily on his laps.
They both raised their heads up, þakers eyes darted from my lead to my remembered my parents‘ words He doesn’t love quat He’s after your money Choose between us and jaker|
Solo heir to my late parrmes‘ bilionaire empire, Linherited wealth, but not lave: Jake’s surrent ses my doing – medical school, his career, mur life. Blindfly, I gave him everything, believing he loves mel
Now, betrayed and shanered, i wonder: Was merely a stepping stone? Was destined to be loved?
Lexpected Jake to speak, but he sat söemily. Emly still in his lap had just moved famend, when Mr. Larson burst in eyes scanning frantically Relief washed over his face upon seeing me,
He enveloped me huge pulled away from the bug, checking me. “Thank goodness! Are you okay? You’re will bwling. Why did you leave?”
I dont even know how to respond, all I could do was open my mouth. Larson and have ever why much care? |
Jake cleared his throat, standing between Mr. Larsen and me. He sudden possessiveness sparked confusion. What game was jake playing?)
| Mr, Larian. “My wife’s fine. I told you that she loves attention, that’s why she ran away fr
from the hospital in her condition”
In a blink of an eye. Mr. Lamon’s list roanestad with Jake’s rom. Tlow dare you abandon her when the crests your
As Jake crumpled, I intervened, presping Mr. Larson’s arm. “Please, stoge“
I managed to drag him up, and I almost fell, I be grabbed me by waist, our ejerlocked, time froze
A job of electroty ran through me. My nipples hardened, Betraying my confusion. Bresle, I pushed Mr. Larson away.
Mama proped my hands. “Let go, jedra. You deserve better.”
Jake wrenched me free. “No one takes my wife drommer
Mr. Larson’s eyes Hared “Your team wife abandoned for your mistrest“]
Jakes grip tichtened, ita cha me or hum. Leave now, and you’re gore famver:
Mr. Larson countered. “My home is open to you pession. Find solace
Jake’s eyes blazed with fury, his jane clenched, he couldn’t do anything became Mr. Lamen won his dor: “Choose, friska,” he growled.
Mr. Larvan’s pining are send shivers down my spine. His eyes borned with an urapaken message.
My heart heary with betrayal. But I knew had to decide.
–will–“[nok a deep breath, then i blurted an, Twill may with my husband” ||
Mr. Larson’s next artian took me off guard. []