I called Ashley and invited her to visit.
She told me Ethan had been frantically
searching for me, but no one would tell him
where I was.
He’d even tracked down a few people. “Remember when you fell during your
performance? He found the rigging assistant
who sabotaged your harness. Apparently, the
assistant was paid to do it. By your sister.”
“That assistant got what was coming to him.”
“And guess what? Ethan went crazy and
started targeting his friends. It’s all over the
I checked my phone. Gossip sites were
revealing all sorts of dirt on those rich boys.
Filming private videos of women and using
them for blackmail.
Coercing women into sex.
And more.
They were a nasty bunch.
“I don’t understand why my brother hung out
with those guys.”
“But at least he’s finally seeing the light and
cutting ties with them.”
“Nora, I don’t know why, but I still think Ethan
loves you. Even though he did horrible things,
I think he loves you.”
I laughed, and then tears started streaming
down my face.
“But Ashley, he filmed me without my
consent, too.”
“His ‘change of heart‘ has nothing to do with
“I don’t want that kind of love.”
Seeing my tears, she finally understood.
She hugged me as I told her everything that
had happened with her brother.
From the overheard conversation, the
practicing, the intentionally broken arm…
Ethan was involved in it all.
Just to avenge his dream girl. He chose her
over the truth.
We talked all night.
I cried all night.
I woke up with swollen eyes. The makeup
artist looked at us and chuckled.
“Did you two rob a bank last night?”
Ethan found out Ashley had flown out.
He pulled strings and found the city she went
- to.
He rushed over, only to hear the news of S
City’s wealthiest heiress getting married.
His blood ran cold. His premonition was
He took a cab to the venue, but the ceremony
was already at its climax.
The officiant finished the vows.
“Now, please exchange rings.
Ethan lost control and yelled, “No! Don’t do
“Nora Reed, you can only wear the ring I gave
you! I brought it back! I brought it back…”
He broke free from the security guards,
holding up a plain band.
I glanced at it indifferently and signaled for
the guards to restrain him. I took Liam’s ring
and placed it on his finger.
Then, he placed a ring on mine.
Ashley, remembering what I’d told her,
slapped Ethan.
“You deserve to rot.”
“Nora saved a real jerk that day.”
Ashley stayed with me for a few days, then
went home.
Her relationship with her brother was
permanently damaged.
We talked on the phone often.
She told me about her life, gossiped, and
filled me in on Olivia’s downfall.
“No wonder Olivia tried to crawl into your
husband’s bed at the beach house. Turns out
she’s used to it. Her mom made her sleep
with rich guys to get ahead.”
“Apparently, a lot of my brother’s friends
slept with Olivia. Ethan has no standards.
He’ll take anything.”
I didn’t respond, just listened.
Liam wrapped his arms around me from
behind, a hint of jealousy in his voice. “Honey,
don’t forget about me just because you have
a best friend.”
“Hang up the phone. It’s time for bed.”
His voice carried through the phone, and
Ashley yelled, “Jerk! Liam Zhao! You’ve had
her all to yourself for weeks! I can’t even talk
to her for a few minutes?!”
Liam chuckled and hung up the phone for me.
“My wife is mine.”
He lifted me and gently placed me on the
bed. He was clingy.
“Honey, the night is young. Save some
Tears welled up as I bit his arm. “You animal.”
He just got more excited.
“You’re right, honey. Absolutely right.”
I let him have his way. I wasn’t opposed.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and
kissed him softly.
I slept soundly.
[The End]