Then how did Sarah know?
“You were reincarnated.”
I stared at her.
Sarah started quivering.
“Mom, you too?”
“Yes, I was also reincarnated.”
I slapped her.
“I can’t forgive you. You are the worst.”
The abuse wasn’t just once.
She had done horrible things to me, and
wasn’t ever going to change.
If she didn’t remember, maybe she could have
I didn’t care anymore.
I took Mark out of my contacts and forwarded
Sarah’s plea.
I wrote, “Take care of your daughter. Don’t
bother me.”
Mark hated that I left.
He needed someone to abuse, and Sarah
would be his victim.
That little brat always said to stop
Now she could get a taste of his abuse!
He’d beat her until she was dead.
Mark acted quickly.
That night, Sarah was beaten.
A neighbor called the police.
The police saved her.
But it was just a domestic dispute.
Mark cried, and said he would never do it
He wrote a guarantee.
Sarah was hurt.
I was a victim of so much violence and abuse.
I couldn’t help her.
The police found her grandma.
Her grandma yelled at her.
“Useless brat! I should have left you in the
trash! It’s your fault!”
“Take this and eat it. I want you to die!”
“Go find your crazy mom!”
Some people are just meant to be abused.
She had no gratitude for me.
But she took the old woman’s abuse.
You get what you deser
You get what you deserve.
That’s what I wanted.
One month passed.
I divorced Mark.
I left all the houses, so it could be used to
raise her.
I also gave Sarah the entire house payment.
The lawyer didn’t approve.
“Why are you doing this? You own half the
“I don’t need it.”
He was dangerous.
Mark was jobless.
If the judge took away his house, he would
lose his mind.
I still needed to leave to recover.
It was better to give him all the money, so he
could leave me alone.
I could make more money.
When I got my divorce papers, I felt free.
Mark wanted to say something, but I didn’t
Sarah must have gotten scared and realized
that I was done with her.
We left the doors of the building.
I was in the car, and the bodyguard sighed.
“We should have stopped him, when he pulled
his ax!”
I laughed, “He would have never done it.”
Abusers were cowards, and never did
anything against anyone who was bigger than
The bodyguard nodded.
“Congrats on the new life.”
I smiled, and looked out the window.
There was a little girl, watching me leave.
It was Sarah.
I had a heart attack, but shook it away.
I wasn’t over it, because of Sarah’s betrayal.
I wasn’t going to forgive her.
I was so happy I had the chance to move on.
But Mark was so bad.
He wouldn’t let her go to school.
He locked her up and forced her to cook and
Sarah wasn’t going to let this happen.
She poisoned his food, and poured it in his
The poison didn’t kill him.
It just paralyzed him.
Sarah was smart.
She said he was drunk and had accidentally
poisoned himself.
The police let her go, because she was a
Now he was locked to his bed.
Good job.
I wasn’t related to her.
She should live how she wanted.
Her mom didn’t care.
One day, in a dream, I saw that Mark had
remarried after he was released.
Soon, that woman gave birth to a boy.
Mark ignored Sarah.
When she graduated from middle school, he
forced her to drop out and get a job, to take
care of her brother.
She was going to run, but he would beat her.
I couldn’t go back.
Sarah was sold off to a wealthy man.
It was a terrible fate.
This life was not going to be anything good.
However, that’s the life that she had chosen.
She had been rewarded.
I was done with her.
I had finished everything, and was going to
get my college degree in Germany.
I had a great life ahead of me.