- 5.
A few days after Mikey woke up, Mom started
talking about the “poor” old men in town.
“It’s so sad. They have no family. Who’s going
to bury them when they die?”
She glanced at me. “Ellie’s getting older. It’s
time for her to find a husband. Maybe…”
Mikey was shocked. He slammed his fork on
the table. “Mom! How can you say that? She’s
too young! How can you—”
I stopped him.
I sat down and took a bite of food. “Mom,
you’re right.”
Mom’s face lit up. She thought she’d finally
convinced me.
“You should marry him, Mom.”
Her jaw dropped.
“Why would I marry him? I’m married to your
father. And he’s so old! How could I…”
She stopped realizing what she’d said
She stopped, realizing what she’d said.
She knew he was too old!
She was willing to throw her own daughter
into the fire! What a great mom.
I passed her the plate, encouraging her to
“Dad’s dead,” I said, “so you are single. And
you’ve been alone for so long. You deserve
someone to keep you warm at night.”
“And you said he’s so lonely and has no one.
If you marry him, you can have kids. Everyone
knows you’re the most wonderful woman in
town, Mom. You’ll do it, right?”
I put her in a box, trapped by her own
“wonderful woman” reputation.
“But, but…” She looked away.
“But Mom’s too old to have kids. And you’re
young! You can have lots of babies for him.”
Mom looked pleased.
“So, it’s better if you marry him, Ellie. It’s
settled. I’ll invite him over later to discuss the
She didn’t even finish her food. She dropped
her fork and ran out to find Mr. Peabody.
Mikey wanted to stop her, but I told him
about my plan.