- 5.
As soon as Mom finished whispering,
everyone’s eyes were glued to me.
I mean, they just saw Mark go splat after
hearing whatever she said.
They were waiting to see if I’d do the same.
But I just frowned at her, shaking my head.
“You’re lying!” I said.
“There’s no way you said that to them.”
Mom just shrugged. “I told you. Believe it or
not, I don’t care.”
“If that’s all you said, why would Dad and
Mark kill themselves?” I argued.
They were both way too upbeat to jump off a
roof because of something like that.
I was sure Mom was playing me.
She just gave me that blank look. “They
wanted to die. It’s not my fault.”
Me calling her out and her acting like it was
nothing was completely throwing everyone
nothing was completely throwing everyone
They were staring back and forth between us,
trying to figure out what was going on.
Before I could say anything else, a bunch of
police cars came screeching up to the hotel.
Cops piled out and headed straight for Mom.
“We got a call about you possibly talking
someone into committing suicide,” one of
them said.
“This is the second time you’ve been involved
in a death. You need to come with us and
answer some questions.”
Mom didn’t say a word.
She just let them cuff her and lead her to the
Through the window, she looked right at me,
like she wanted to say something.
But she couldn’t.
The police car pulled away.
After she was gone, everyone was still staring
at me.
Finally, Mark’s mom came over, looking at me
like I was about to break. “Sarah, what did
your mother say to him?”