Mom went crazy, and tried to hurt them.
But she was too weak.
Mom was knocked to the ground.
His girlfriend wore her robe, and smiled.
“What are you going to do? Remember, you
took my man.”
Dad lifted Mom’s chin. “I was kind to you for
the last twenty years. Amy was sick and
couldn’t have children, you think I wanted you?”
They were going to split up.
Dad divorced her.
Mom didn’t put up too much of a fight.
She just wanted a cheap place and some
The show gave her fame.
So she thought the show would make her a
She signed the divorce papers.
She was trying to get the money before the
show made her famous.
So she packaged herself.
One month later.
The show aired.
But it was canceled after the first episode.
The bad people and the abuse didn’t sit right
with people.
Mom’s face was blurred, and no one knew
She was in constant contact with the show.
She sold her house and gave them all the
money so that the show would continue.
Mom stayed in her tiny apartment.
She waited and hoped.
She thought she was gonna be famous at age
- 45.
But instead she got a notice.
The notice said that the show was illegally
And there was a case of trafficking against it.
The whole show was getting disbanded
The whole show was getting disbanded.
The cops took them away.
That day.
Dad was marrying Amy.
I was doing a project up north.
Later I found out after getting a call from the
They walked on the red carpet.
And Mom stabbed them.
Amy died with sixteen stabs.
Dad got nine stabs and was in a coma.
I flew back home.
I got to the police station where Mom was
She saw a lifesaver.
“I knew you wouldn’t abandon me! Please
help me! Sign this contract so that they let
me off easier!”
“You’re in a program, right? Write me a
mental excuse so I don’t go to jail!”
I shook my head.
“I believe the court is just and that you will
get a just sentence. If I sign the papers, I’d be
disrespecting Dad and Amy.”
“No! Please save me! I need you to save me
this one time, and I will be the best mother!”
Mom knelt down.
She begged.
Years ago.
I was kneeling to her, begging for a pad.
Asking for ten dollars for the cheapest food.
She said no.
She never thought about it.
Years later.
She knew now.
Mom got twenty years.
She was gonna be spending her life in jail.
I put Dad in a recovery house.
I paid for his stuff every month.
I sold their estate.
I flew back up north.
The plane took off and I watched the world
get small.
This bad family would never be in my life
This bad family would never be in my life.