- 8.
I got a text from Brittany that night.
There was a picture of Chad in bed, shirt
half–undone, eyes half–closed.
[He’s with you, but he loves me.
[You still lost, Reagan.]
I scoffed.
Want to crush someone?
Kick them off the cliff after they think they
are about to reach the mountain top.
I opened my messages and left one viewable
for Chad
It was a huge bunch of roses, “Thanks for the
flowers, I love them.”
With the message sent, I set my phone to
silent and slept.
On Saturday morning, I had ten missed calls
from Chad.
The texts were going by fast.
[Reagan, who are the flowers from?
[You’re my fiancé. If your parents knew you
were seeing other men, they would be angry.]
So funny.
Chad was never reflective.
I see why him and Brittany work so well.
He was finally feeling the pain.
I had to be patient.
Regardless of what I said, Chad would never
give up because he believed I was just joking.
This method however would make him panic.
Things got extra special when I was seeing
When things are at risk, they turn precious.
Chad was in panic mode and wanted me
[I’m sorry that I walked out on you at the
LITHI SUITy lali waincu UUL UI you at LIC
party, but hear my reasons and hopefully you
[You won’t find anyone who cares more
about you than me.]
I didn’t reply to any of the messages. I wanted
to make sure he was on edge.
That night, Chad was waiting with roses.
I had to restrain myself from not bursting out
in laughter.
He had never been so eager and he was so
happy that I finally let him in.
“I know you want me,” he handed me the
I felt hatred growing and smiled. “Of course.”
Chad was ecstatic and planned the
He was extra sweet and made me take
pictures of the roses with our rings on.
I showed him how uncomfortable I was.
“Everyone will see it at the engagement
The more I pushed, the more he wanted the
picture to go on social media. “Not everyone
is invited so everyone should know!”
I showed how unwilling I was and then he was
able to get me to post it.
It was all going as planned.
Brittany, what do you think about the picture.
If she wants to act, she should soon.
I’m getting ready to get rid of her.
That night, after Chad left.
I had three calls to make.
The first one was to Professor Avery, I met
her at the diner.
She was about to sleep and sounded tired.
“What do you want?”
“I used your roses bed to
“I used your roses, I had to let you know.”
Yes, Chad thought it was a joke, it turns out it
was something far more devious than the
human mind could.
After it was explained, Professor Avery laughed.
“You’re getting her on the edge. Shes going to retaliate with anger, hope you’re ready.”
What was she worried about, reborners can’t get lucky.
“Of course.”
After the call, I had to call Ashley.
“What’s going on with what I told you to
I hung up and opened Brittany’s profile.
That face looks harmless and delicate.
No one would guess what was hidden inside.
I had many ways to make her quietly die.
But not enough.
I had to expose her where everyone would hate her.