- 4.
Instead of acting on the evidence right away, I
handed it over to a private investigator.
I circled a few names that interested me, had
him check if they had been in contact with
Ashley or Mark.
This guy was known in my circle for helping
rich wives catch cheating husbands and track
down money.
He had tons of connections, and he
confidently told me he’d have answers in
three days.
While I waited for the truth, I got my finances
in order Last time Mark bad secretly
a lot of money around, so I tracked down
where it went and how much.
It was all small amounts, moved bit by bit, so
even with proof, it’d be hard to call it illegal.
I decided to get the money back another way.
There are companies that specialize in
elaborate business schemes. I met with the
CEO of one right away.
After a two–hour chat, his company quickly
announced a new cancer vaccine project.
Around that time, Ashley got out of the
hospital and threw a fit for three days
Screaming, crying, demanding blood.
And Mark was busy visiting Ashley’s
classmates and teachers, trying to keep them
Too many people saw her humiliation that
Of course, Mark was freaking out.
“Ten grand each to keep their mouths shut.
They’ll take the money and keep quiet.”
It’s easy to spend money when it’s not yours.
“If you pay them off, they’ll become our
personal vampires, threatening to expose
Ashley every chance they get.”
Mark snapped, “So you want to let them say
betower thr
Ashley, sitting at the table, was giving me a
look like I was her worst enemy.
I kept my voice calm. “I said I’ll handle it.
Right now, we need to catch those animals
and get Ashley justice.”
“When they testify, we’ll have a better
chance. After the trial, I’ll have the lawyers
talk to them privately.”
Ashley screamed, “No way! I’m not going to
court. Do you want me dead?”
Mark jumped in. “Leah, you don’t care about
Ashley at all, do you? How could you put her
through this?”
I looked at them, a couple of clowns, my face
“So you think I should just do whatever you
want? Not call the cops, handle this privately,
and pay someone to kill them?”
Ashley blurted out, “It would be best if you
did it yourself.”
She stopped, realizing what she had said, and
glanced at Mark.
I laughed.
“You want your mom to kill people? You’d be
happy to send me to jail to make you feel
I said what she was really thinking.
She looked scared, like I’d seen right through
I kept going. “Ashley, I’ve wasted years on
you. If you really want revenge, why doesn’t
your great Dad go kill them? Why not you?”
I’d asked the same thing in the hospital, but
she dodged the question.
She didn’t say a word, just gave Mark another
nervous look.
Of course, Mark had to stand up for her.
“Ashley was upset. What’s with the
Then he tried to act reasonable. “But we still
need to pay them off. Ashley’s reputation is at
stake. Put the money in my account tonight.”
So entitled.
“The company’s got a new project, short on
cash. After the case is settled, I’ll figure it
I didn’t want to see their anger. I turned and
Ashley glared at me, filled with hate. Mark’s
eyes flashed with a cold fire.
He couldn’t wait to make a call, “Check the
company’s funds now? I heard they invested
in a big project? What kind of project?”