I hung up before she could say anything.
Soon, Sarah showed up with a gaggle of
reporters and their cameras.
Seeing me, she jumped right in:
“What’s going on? Who are we catching?”
I didn’t mince words. “My husband.”
I had been friends with her for years, and told
her everything.
So I was not planning on keeping this a
Sarah’s eyes widened. “Are you out of your
“Jake Sullivan is famous for not even looking
at other women, remember that starlet who
tried to get with him and got blacklisted
immediately? He wants to make sure no other
women even think about it.”
“He’s been all about you for years, barely
glances at anyone else, how could he cheat?”
The reporters were nodding.
“Yeah, Mrs. Sullivan, no offense, but are you
serious? Mr. Sullivan is like, the poster child
for faithful husbands, and he’s a huge deal in
business, if he cheated, that would be
national news!”
“Totally, he’s turned down countless women,
and since you guys got married, he’s been
squeaky clean, never even a rumor, a guy like
that doesn’t cheat, he can’t. You might be
“Right, everyone knows how much he loves
you, he wouldn’t do that to you, Mrs. Sullivan,
are you sure there isn’t just a
Everyone thought Jake was untouchable, but
loved me to the extreme.
I’d even met him because of his dog.
He had been missing and he had posted a
huge reward.
I had realized that it was the dog I’d been
I got in contact with him and returned him the
He had thanked me profusely and offered me
money, but I declined.
That was how we met, fell in love, got
He went above and beyond in pampering me.
Last time, because he was so perfect and
I had never doubted him and thought he was
But the bottle of lube and his violent reaction
had told me otherwise.
This time, I would find out what woman it was
worth killing for.