“What happened to the bookworm look?”
Jake nonchalantly put his feet up on the desk,
acting like I wasn’t even there.
I took a deep breath. For the money, I would
put up with it.
I slammed a practice test down on his desk.
“You’re not getting into college with these
grades! Look at this, it’s practically giving you
the answers!”
Someone called out to Jake, “You coming to
the gym?”
I grabbed his arm. “Your folks said I’m
supposed to tutor you after class. You’re not
going anywhere!”
“Just say you tutored me.”
He shrugged me off, twirling a basketball in
his hand.
“My parents can’t control me. Who do you
think you are? Don’t worry, I won’t say you
didn’t tutor me!”
Then he turned and walked out with his
I slammed my hand on the desk. “Jake
He sped up, not even looking back, just
raising a hand in a “bye–bye” gesture.
I gritted my teeth in frustration.