She was focused on her phone, and hadn’t
seen me.
I was about to look away when a group of
guys wearing black jackets with the “State U
Basketball” logo walked by me.
The guy in the front was on his phone.
The other guy wrapped his arm around his
neck. “Still talking to the Valkyrie, Chad?”
Chad laughed. “Yeah, I was just saying that
when I win the championship, I’m going to go
to her school, surprise her, and ask her to be
my girlfriend!”
“The guys immediately started razzing him.”
“Chad, you’re one lucky dude!”
“I heard that Valkyrie and your ex, that lard
bucket, are in the same dorm. She must be
“What’s she going to do about it, though?
That whale should take a good look at
Chad frowned, clearly annoyed. “Okay, that’s
enough about her.”
He patted one of his teammates on the
shoulder, then stopped dead when he saw
- me.
I hadn’t heard what they were saying; I just
headed straight to the locker room.
Chad tried to catch up, but after a few
seconds, I was already in the women’s locker
room, out of sight.
His teammates asked him, “What’s up,
Chad looked confused. “That’s weird… I
thought I saw Valkyrie…”
The guys just brushed it off. “She’s probably
too busy to come. Let’s get ready for the
game, dude!”
Chad let it go and went with the guys.
Since the cosplayers weren’t going on until
later, I was chilling in the locker room,
watching the livestream.
The makeup artist was doing my makeup, and
she said, “Your skin is amazing, and your
eyes are so big! You’re really beautiful. You
look familiar, like I’ve seen you somewhere
I didn’t pay it much mind, just said, “Thanks,”
and focused on the game.
Chad’s team was made up of some of the
best players I had seen. They were wiping the
floor with everyone and made it to the finals
pretty quickly.
Their final opponents were a new team called
“Feed Until Full
I frowned.
That name seemed familiar.
Chad, on a winning streak, was getting cocky.
They’d never heard of “Feed Until Full,” so he
wasn’t worried.
He glanced over at the audience, trying to
find her again.
Then he spotted a girl who was taking up like
two seats. He frowned in disgust.