Alpha’s greatest 10

Alpha’s greatest 10


It’s so you can sleep.I finish the concoction before being left alone in my room to think about my actions

It takes three days before I don’t need help getting out of bed to go to the bathroom. Three Amore days for me to be able to walk on my own. Another two more days to go back to 


Walking into the cafeteria, I have to endure the sight of them together. I have two more years left; they graduate in the spring. At least I don’t have long till I no longer have to see them every day

My friends have turned their backs on me, pretending I’m not standing there, hoping they 

make room for me to sit with them

I’m sorry, Rya, but all the spots are taken. No room for you anymore.I don’t say anything back to Cora. It’s no use. Turning away, I take my lunch outside and sit underneath one of the maple trees. The leaves are just starting to unfurl, providing a small amount of shade from the sun. Being alone, shunned now from the group I grew up with, has me silently nibbling my sandwich as it catches my tears

I’m picked last for group projects, gym class has me the oddmanout. The teachers don’t say anything; I’m not sure they even notice the shift in status. The humans around us just think I’m fighting with my group of friends

No one is physically violent with me. They just treat me as if I don’t exist. Like I have no feelings. The worst are the pack gatherings. Most of the time I just refuse to go, holing up inside my room, a grey cloud following me wherever I go

I have to watch as he makes a plate for himself and her. Always he’s providing her with 

food for the pack to see. As the last to eat, only the unwanted items are left for me. Usually, 1 go without. Sitting at the back by myself, unable to even eat with my own family, I’m in my own private purgatory that I endure quietly without complaint. Sometimes, on very rare occasions, I can feel his eyes on me. But, just as fast as I feel them, they’re gone. I try not to look at him anymore for fear he will be able to feel my gaze as well

The Alpha 


Two years I endure this. It’s a lonely, miserable life. It’s funny how you grow and mature 

and the body people see looks healthy and young, except for me it’s just a shell covering my emptiness

I’ve applied for a transfer out of my pack, and the Alpha has granted my wishes, with the understanding that I am to come back when needed. My marks have been above average, and I’ve been accepted to apprentice as a midwife underneath the guidance of a muchesteemed female. The healer helped me with my application, I was interviewed, and my grades were looked at. My commitment level was assessed; they just don’t want anyone Who will drop their training once they meet their mate. She was made aware of my 

situation, accepting me instantly. A sad smile tugged at her eyes as she welcomed me into her home with a hug

For the first time in two years, I have a smile that reaches my eyes with what my future might be

Insomnia is a great company to grief. Like two old friends unable to part, they mingle with each other, never letting the other go completely

Couldn’t sleep.My mentor is sitting by the fireplace that holds no fire, with a cup of tea in her hand, looking at me with caring eyes

No, I couldn’t sleep. Big day today.I can’t even disguise my sadness

Are you all packed up? Do you have everything?Her voice cracks as well. Mentor and student at first, but once my training was completed, we became good friends

Rya, it’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.I wish I could believe that

It’s going to be okay.I say it out loud over and over again, trying to fool myself

I just need to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I appreciate all your teaching, but especially your kindness when I needed it the most.Standing up, she walks toward me opening up her arms so I am pressed against her ample chest, cheeks rubbing together

You’re going to be great, my best student I have ever had the privilege to teach. You’re a beautiful female inside and out. Remember that.She wipes away my tears as I try to control my breathing like she taught me


I need to go. It’s a long drive. Thank you again.Walking out of the house we shared for 

the last four years is so hard. This has been my fantasy land, protecting me from a life I am not forced to go back to

In the rearview mirror, I see her waving in the open doorway. I give a little wave as I pull out. I start to drive toward what gives me my nightmares at night

Pulling up to the pack house, I need to sit in the car to gather my wits. I need to check in, get the keys to my new home. The Luna felt it’s better if I just take over the old midwife’s house, seeing as it’s empty now

The day the phone rang was like any other day for me, a birth in the early morning hours. that went well for both mother and pup. I was just coming out of the shower when I picked up the phone. It was the Alpha. I almost dropped the phone

You’re needed back here. That’s all he said to me before the Luna took over the conversation, telling me the midwife has passed back to the moon. How I need to come home. I knew this was inevitable. I just thought I would have more time. I haven’t seen my father in four years. My mother and sisters have visited once, but there was an awkwardness to us that never existed before. My mother wanted to visit me more, but I just pretended that I was too busy, that I had lots of work, that it was impossible for me to get 


Alpha’s greatest

Alpha’s greatest

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
Alpha's greatest


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