Chapter 5
A prickle of nerve endings, so powerfully pleasing, makes me still instantly. He is not an imposter; he is my moon’s gift. I know exactly where to look.
Standing solitary on the opposite side of the lake, his wolf’s eyes absorb me
olely…entranced. It’s hauntingly beautiful, his Wild surrounded by vapor, an apparition that appeals to my senses. With one blink of my eyes, he retreats back into the trees, into the shadows, until I’m alone again.
My heartbeat sounds like a drum, pounding against the inside of my chest. I can’t do anything but stand and stare at the spot where he’d stood. Maybe I just imagined this, the steam causing a mirage.
If I don’t move now, I’ll be late for my first day at the clinic, and I don’t think old Doc Peters would be thrilled with that. He’s a stickler, very old school
It’s about a fifteen minute walk to the clinic. I don’t mind walking, it calms my nerves for the big day, my skills on display for the doc to see. I have faith in everything I have learned. I’m clinically competent. With that thought, I stand a little taller. I’m confident in that, at
I knock on the door, and the healer greets me with a hug of welcome.
“Rya.” A giant smile spreads on Aurora’s face. The sixty–plus–year–old wolf’s face dances in happiness. Her eyes are the color of sugar snap peas that reminds me of spring fresh, new,
“Look at you. Look how absolutely beautiful you turned out to be! I knew you would grow out of that gangly, all knees and elbows body.” That is something I have never heard before. I’m not sure whether to be offended on how I used to look as a young juvenile or proud that I have finally grown into my mature form.
“Thank you.” I’m unsure of how to respond to that.
“You smell very….healthy, Rya.” Her hands squeeze my shoulders, and a sad smile turns down her face as her eyes reach mine, searching me.
Chapter 5
“How are you?” She’s not looking away after she says it. She really wants to know.
“I’m good.” I give her the voice I have practiced for hours with.
The palm of her hand goes to my cheek, cupping it. Eyes that can see things others can’t look softly into mine. All I can think is: don’t cry, don’t cry. Not on my first day, not within the first few minutes of my first real job. Don’t cry, I can do this, I can breathe…just one breath in, one breath out….
The door to the clinic starts to open. Removing her hand, she stays close to me.
The male entering, eyes to the floor, has a shaved head. He looks up, and our eyes meet; always the same, an intake of breath as he takes in mine. Completely open mouthed, he stares before he slightly shakes his head and whispers an apology
“Sorry, didn’t mean to stare. They are unusual.” He looks away with a slight pink to his
“Dr. Valentine, this is the new midwife, Rya.” Now it’s my turn to be confused.
“Rya, nice to meet you.” He sticks his hand out to welcome me the human way.
“Dr. Valentine, nice to meet you.” Clasping his hand, I give it a quick shake before pulling away. I’m not in the habit of touching male wolves.
“Please, Rya, call me Dallas. We aren’t very formal here.” He looks at Aurora with a smile.
“Can I just ask, where is Dr. Peters?”
“Once I came and settled in, he decided it was time for him to retire. He’s been gone maybe a year. Is that a problem?”
His voice is quiet, but I can hear him well. A day’s growth on his face makes me think he might have had a late night, not wanting to shave this morning.
“No, I just wasn’t told that we had a new doctor in the pack.” It’s a little uncomfortable between us; I’m not sure why.
Chapter 5
His eyes avoid mine, looking anywhere but my face. Putting on his white lab coat, he forks the doctor part except he’s young, only a few years older than me.
“Well, let’s get you started. I’ll show you to your office, to the birthing rooms.” He shows the around this small clinic. Yet everything in here is top of the line, the best money can buy. Everything is available that one might need to keep the wolves alive.
Opening the door to the birthing rooms, I’m left speechless. Everything shiny and new, a big giant tub in the corner of each of the three rooms, bouncy balls, beds that turn into birthing
“This is amazing.” I can’t hide my excitement.
“The Alpha and Luna are very good with money, and they put a lot back into the pack.” He seems to be impressed with those two wolves.
The office has a little weight scale for the pups and a stand–up scale for the mothers. A strong dark wooden desk, all new furniture. An examining table….
“The Luna had all the old crone’s things moved out of here, replaced with all new stuff just
for you.”