Chapter 6
“That was nice of her.” His brow arches up, but he doesn’t say anything else. My tone of voice could have been much nicer, hidden.
“Well, this is how it’s going to work. I need to follow you with your assessments for a little while until the pack feels that I watched you enough. I really don’t want to stare at pregnant females all day long. I have an aversion for those hormonal wolves, but a bigger aversion to their highly aggressive mates.” I understand what he’s saying the males have to be restrained sometimes for a male doctor to help deliver the pup.
“Rya, there are two females due any day now; they will be coming in this morning. Usually, you’ll work in the morning and have the afternoons off. The midwife did help me on occasion if I needed help and if the healer was busy. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes, where I was trained, that’s exactly how it was done.”
“Good. There are only about six pregnant females in the pack to date. They will all be in this week to see you. I’m sure you have lots of things you will need to organize the way you like it. If you need anything, any equipment that’s not here, just tell me. I’ll get it for you. If you have any difficulty or questions, please come to me.”
“Thank you, Dr. Valent-”
Putting a hand up, he stops my next words. “Rya, just call me Dallas. Remember, we are not
formal here.”
“Okay, Dallas. Thank you.”
Leaving me, he closes the door softly. Stacks of files sit on the desk, waiting for me to look through. Sitting behind the desk in my office, I take a big breath in, then out. I smile to myself because this feels right. I’m where I’m supposed to be.
The first heavily pregnant female arrives, the same female who told me there was no room at their table for me to sit on my first day back after my punishment. High school memories, the suffocating silence I endured as a juvenile, come crashing in. I have a choice: I can hold onto those years in bitterness or I can just let it go, start new, fresh…but always
The Alpha’s Greatest Mistake
Tape &
in my mind understand that I could never really be friends with those types of wolved
Giving her a very soft, easy smile, I usher her into my examining room.
“Hello, Cora, how are you? She looks nervous, rubbing her stomach.
“I’m good, Rya. How are you doing? Her look is one of pity. Is this the look I’m going to have to get used to from the pack eyes of pity?
“I’m good, Cora. Thank you for asking Come inside. Doctor Valentine will be watching as f examine you. Is that okay with you?”
“Yes, it’s fine.” I put a hand up to her mate not to follow us
“I need to examine her properly, and so does the doctor.” Her mate gives a low warning growl but sits in the seat outside the room in silent, behaved, fury.
“Please take off your shoes, and get undressed from the waist down. We’ll be in soon.” Closing the door, I try to act as professional as possible with her.
“I’d like to get your weight, check it from the previous one.” I glance at her face and ankles, making sure she isn’t retaining too much fluid.
Having her lay down on the examination table, I measure her abdomen. “Right on track. Excellent.” Palpating her pup, I can feel the bum, head, and shoulders.
“She’s already head down, won’t be too long. I have to check you out down there. Is that
She giggles, and her face flushes nervously.
“I’m kind of embarrassed.” She says it out loud as her legs spread underneath the cloth
“Cora, don’t be embarrassed. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. You see one, you’ve seen them all.” I give her a wink and a smile. Putting on a glove, I push her legs apart. I squeeze out some lubricant on my fingers, then feel inside her to see how ripe she is. Very good, already dilating and softening up.
Turning to Dallas, I say, “If you don’t mind checking my assessment He does this of quickly as possible.
“Correct.” He throws the glove in the garbage, washes his hands, then walks out the one
As I help her into a sitting position, her hand goes on my shoulder.
“Rya, I just want to say ”
“It’s okay, Cora. I’m okay, I have moved on with my life.” It’s my rehearsed line that I will use on everyone who asks me how I am. It’s generic for everyone, but it will get what I wear across…that I am okay.
“Good, I’m glad.” Her smile is of someone who believes in lies.
Opening the door, I wave in her mate, who puts an arm around Cora. His lips brute the base of her marked neck before pulling way, smiling. A small curl of jealousy licks at my mind before I shove that thought away.
“So it should be very soon. Have you thought where you want to deliver, home or here?”