Saturday morning, Brittany posted pictures of herself at the farmers market with my parents. She also included a picture of Jason in a suit.
Caption: Even the toughest bosses get nervous
meeting the future in–laws. Hope Mr. Smooth
can keep his cool at lunch.
Her comments and likes blew up. Brittany was
busy replying.
“Thanks, Aunt Carol! He looks tough, but he’s really sweet.”
“Live stream? Maybe not…”
“Behave, or your boss will hear about this!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll put in a good word for you.”
“Thanks, old friend!”
“We have a place in Seattle, too. Might spend some time there. We’ll have to get together!”
Dad commented: Tell him not to worry. We
don’t bite. Brittany: Thanks, Uncle Robert! I’ll let
My head was spinning. I felt feverish. I drifted
off to sleep.
- 24.
I woke up to the biting wind and the soft sting
of snowflakes on my face. My phone was
buzzing with missed calls and messages. From
Jason, Dad, Brittany. Even Mom, who’d blocked.
me months ago.
“You stole your cousin’s fiancé? Have you no
shame?! You’re a disgrace!”
“Break up with Jason. Now.”
Apparently, Brittany had live–streamed the
lunch, wanting to show off Jason’s awkward
encounter with her family. It backfired.
spectacularly. Not only did Jason deny ever
dating her, but he also told everyone he was
about to marry someone else. Me.