Chapter 105
It’s quiet on the car ride.
I stay a small distance away from them as they look at cute clothes that I have no hope of fitting into anymore. I just follow and listen to the way Luna Grace is encouraging Rya to uy on these beautiful clothes that make her look like the moon herself. I notice the way Tama Grace is pulling outfits that really suit Rya’s figure, skin tone. The colors make her eyes look eerily beautiful.
Rya, for her part, is smiling more. I can see the way her confidence is growing when looking at herself in the mirror and liking what she sees. She’s not the little wolf that went away broken and defeated. No, this is a strong female wolf who is coming into her own.
A Luna in the making.
Passing by another maternity shop, I bite my tongue with the way I want to ask if I could just go in and look for something for myself. Looking in the window as we pass, I try not to look at the reflection staring back in the glass. She’s not someone I want to see.
The shopping is winding down. They have gotten themselves lots of bags filled with things that I used to get for myself every week.
We pass the maternity shop on the way out. I keep my head down with the way they just forgot about me. I said nothing this whole trip. No one asked my opinion on anything, and I
don’t blame them.
I bump into the Luna’s back as she stops in the middle of the mall.
“Kennedy, we just passed by another shop. Don’t you want to go in and get some things you
“It’s okay, Luna Grace. I don’t need anything.”
“That’s ridiculous. You should have asked to go in when we passed it twice. I’m not a mind reader
You need to ask for what you want,” she scolds. She also turns on Rya. “That goes for you as well. If you need something, ask me.” This little lesson done, she smiles to the
The Alpha’s Greatest Mistake
Chapter 105
both of us.
Walking into the store, I can’t help but notice all the colorful dresses. If this were another, situation, I would have all these cute outfits to buy. I would make myself look as beautiful as I could. Instead, I grab black shorts, black pants, and a few grey and white tops. Nothing fancy, nothing that catches the eyes. I get a plain summer dress that doesn’t flatter me at all. I don’t come out of the changing room to show off how I look. Instead, I take the pile of
my new clothes to the counter to pay.
Topen up his wallet, and a picture of his family greets my eyes that makes me smile slightly.
Looking down, I notice that popular book that goes through your pregnancy step by step,
day by day.
“You should buy two of those books–one for you, one for Cash,” Luna Grace advises.
I do as she says, buying two of those books.
We’re running late, so we decide to eat at home instead of at the mall.
The driveway has cars in it that weren’t there when we left.
When we walk into the house, Alpha Clinton is talking to a group of females with Carson and Crane hovering around them. They have their beautiful bodies on display, while the two brothers look on in appreciation. A flash of red on lips the color of blood wine. They have an invitation out for the males that they are available if they want them.
More males show up with shaved heads, letting the females know that they are ready. whenever they are. I put all the pieces together early on. I just need to sit back and watch
Cash comes down the stairs looking like he just got cleaned up for the arrival of all these guests. He makes no introductions of who I am to him. I stand there like a statue, looking at his shaved head. I watch a female touch his head, and he lets her. My first tear comes down my face when he walks her down the stairs, leading the way with her close behind.
I deserve this for everything I have put him through. I just hope he finds someone good, someone who will treat my young like their own. It’s impossible to hide my tears from everyone else.
The Alpha’s Greatest Mistake
Chapter 105
They don’t look at me. It’s easier if they don’t.
The only one who really is looking is Rya. She’s just staring, understand now just a fraction of what she has had to endure at my hands.
Packages drop to the floor. It’s as if she can no longer hold anything but herself, and even that looks as if it’s getting too much for Kennedy.
Slowly she turns away, shoulders hunched, trying so hard to hold her composure. Not a sound coming from her mouth, her body shakes with the effort she’s putting forth to not let the sounds of her cry tumble out her mouth.
I want to be that leech that drinks this up in gluttonous waves of delight, but I can’t find any joy in this.
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