Chapter 121
“I wasn’t expecting this, Rya. I’m not sure what came over e
toe –
My heart drops to my stomach slightly. “Do you regret this? I think sy eyes mang water slightly with anxiety.
“Rya, never would I regret this.” His fingers entangle with mine as he brings them to his lips, placing gentle kisses on each fingertip. “I wish I could calm all your fears with that
I you could see yourself the way I see you.” He’s holding me close, and I want to cry with the way he makes me feel.
“I just get this fear that I’m still not good enough, that I don’t compare. I’m sorry.” It’s my sad truth. “My own mate didn’t want me. Something has to be wrong with me.” Dallas shows his teeth in displeasure.
“Rya, please, please try to get this out of your mind. You are my future now. You’re everything I need and want. Nothing is wrong with you. You’re my meat eate
My stomach rumbles at this moment.
“Are you hungry?” He’s looking at me as if trying to figure a puzzle out
“Starving, I need to be fed. We didn’t stop for dinner.”
“Do you want to hunt up some food, let the wolves out?” That’s all he needs to say as I’m up and off him in a flash. The wolf inside me wants to show him how she can eat
Running hard, I feel fingertips trying to grab onto flesh before I’m out the door, shifting in a giant leap. Skidding to a halt, she turns to face him.
He’s standing naked in the doorway, looking at the wolf who is standing proud and fierce. She is nothing but sinew and muscle under of fur. She’s not the inexperienced wolf that left. she’s in league with the wild.
The Wild stares into his before she takes off fast, paws pounding into the rain–soaked soil,
The Alpha’s Greatest Mistake
leaving her paw impressions behind, dirt kicking up behind in grit behind her.
Dusk slowly creeps in, the inoon starting to ascend in the sky.
She runs hard and fast until hot breath is felt. Giving a sideways look, she stretches out he body to the fullest, nose pointing forward, tail stretched out. She runs as he takes the lead easily, his body still not stretched out completely
Wild bumps into his shoulder, trying to roll him onto his back. He gives a slight playful growl, bumping into her shoulder, stumbling her sure steps. Again she bumps into him, trying to gauge his strength, nipping at his ears.
He nips back before actually rolling her, exposing the soft underbelly. He playfully bites. into it, biting into her neck. She tries to stand, but he’s quicker, and she can’t react as fast as
he can.
He allows the Wild to get up off the ground. She leaps at him, trying to pin him down, but every time she tries, his head goes against hers as she’s tossed sideways. A huff of annoyance as he decides to lick our muzzle.
Nose to the ground, she stalks toward the trail for food.
A shift in wind alerts her to a deer. Running toward the prize, he pulls ahead. She could lose him in the shadows of the setting sun, his fur blending in with the night.
The Wild rubs herself against his side, letting her smell saturate him. Her tail curls. underneath his chin. She’s acting slightly off, starting to roll on the ground on her back, pressing her scent into the earth. She does it against a tree next, then she’s on him again. This time instead of nipping, she’s licking inside his muzzle before getting behind him, trying to mount him, rubbing the inside of her legs on him.
He gives a W growl out, biting her neck. She wiggles her bottom toward his, getting underneath him, her tail angling away. His wolf starts to rub against her. With a swiftness.. he bites into our neck so there is no escape. Front paws going around her chest, he mounts her quickly. Pushing into her, she gives a low rumble in her chest. They are locked into place once he’s spent. Our wolves looking into each other’s eyes, cheek pressed against cheek until he’s able to slip out.
Running once again, they find the meat trail. It’s a two year old. It’s fast, but not faster than
Dallas’s wolf, who kills it easily.
A ravenous gluttony takes over as she tears into the fleshy underside of this welcome prize Crimson drips off the muzzles, saturating the forest floor.
Chunks of meat start to expand her stomach in a fullness of misery, yet she still continues gorge on this feast fit for kings. The pregnant moon looks on at her children underneath the darkening sky.
After the carcass is almost cleaned bare, her stomach is so engorged it’s hard to trot home. want to throw up with this feeling, yet it’s deeply satisfying to eat so much.
Coming into the house, my stomach is distended, protruding out almost like the soft curve
a newly pregnant female. I touch it, letting my hand go over the roundness of it before my shoulders hunch slightly with the fact I could never produce offspring of my own.
Chapter 122
Chapter 122