- 9.
The chat exploded.
John: “No way. Are you seeing things? How
could the cop not see him?”
Michael: “Dude, are you high? This is getting
seriously freaky.”
I couldn’t explain. I insisted I was fine, totally
sane. But I didn’t understand what was going
Then, Sarah messaged me privately:
“Something’s off with Michael. Do you feel it?”
I was confused. Michael? What?
Sarah continued: “Our balconies aren’t
enclosed. You can climb between them, right?”
She was right, but… “So? What does that have
to do with Michael?”
Sarah: “Michael and Chris hate each other.
Noise complaints, constant arguing. Think
about it…when you heard Chris knock on 404,
what if it wasn’t Chris?”
Sarah’s theory was wild. I had no idea about
Michael and Chris’s feud. “Not Chris? Who else
would it be?”
Sarah: “Michael. He could’ve knocked, then
climbed down to his balcony. He wouldn’t have
needed to walk back to his apartment.”
I was stunned. “You’re saying Michael climbed
up to Chris’s apartment, then…?”
Sarah: “I’m just guessing. I don’t know why
you’re seeing David, but if I’m right… Michael
might have killed Chris.”
Killed? It was just arguing, right?