- 13.
A month later, the mistress and her daughter
left the hospital.
They had no money, they moved back into
their burned house.
I opened the door and saw the daughter
putting trash by our door.
I laughed. “Didn’t learn your lesson!
Healed up? Too bad.”
Those burns were on me last time, and I know
how bad they are.
Looking at her face, I realized.
“You don’t have money for the hospital?”
I was right.
She wanted to walk to me, but the burns
slowed her down.
It was funny.
I walked to her.
“What do you want?”
She looked at me. “You and your mom are
living fine, and we’re hiding.
They were meant to be!
But I could never be Dad’s daughter! I
watched him play with you! I was like a bug!”
I frowned and stared.
“What does that have to do with us?
Blame the man. He liked your mom, but left
her when her family lost their money.
He never said he had a girlfriend when he was
with my mom!
You’re two years younger than me, right? He
kept you secret!”
Cindy shook her head. “No, it’s your fault!”
I rolled my eyes and left.
Let her think what she wants.