“If anyone helps her trick me and scare
Tiffany, get out of the company.” Mark saw
everyone’s face turn terrified.
Mark suddenly turned his head, and asked,
“Sarah, where are you hiding?
“I will not tolerate you anymore. If you do not
apologize again, we will get a divorce and go
I watched Mark’s eyes slowly widened, finally
turned dazed.
Because I did not hide behind him.
“Sarah you hide where.”
“You tell me, where did she just hide.” Mark
asked the staff.
“Mrs…” The white staff could not bear, and
tears fell.
“I want to quit my job. The work I did not dare
to do in a day!”
After she finished speaking, she ran away
Mark was pale, “This is Sarah. Very well, who
are Sarah. Hurry up and get out of here.”
The crowd scattered.
He gritted his teeth, “Sarah, your heart is so. I
am still on the rise, are you trying to
encourage my company to resign! Do you
have to watch the crisis in my company to be
“I did so much wrong. I and you had been so
long, why do we want to force this way!”
He was shouting, hoping that I could come
out of my heart.
He refused to admit that I had been killed.
I was looking at his heart.
“Did she promise you what? I promise you
things! If you follow me, is an error! I will send
her, do not you can give anything.”
His secretaries, he sighed, “Mr. Fu, you
“The oven is off! After turning the
temperature to the maximum the, the safety
lights are on and they can’t shut off.”
“You’re crazy.”
“If I had abandoned, I would have joined a
higher salaried company.”
“Now, you are hurting.”
I laughed, a small laugh.
“Fu, you, too!”
I and our relationship.
That was all that mattered.
Tiffany did it.
Chapter 3
To express his sincerity, Mark posted a status
update from the company account.
It was a wedding photo of him and Tiffany,
captioned: “It always comes back to you.”
Mark ended things abruptly, and drove Tiffany
back home.
Tiffany wanted to stay by his side, but he
convinced her to go back to the bedroom. He
stood on the balcony, smoking one cigarette
after another, scrolling through his phone,
looking like be wanted to talk to someone
looking like he wanted to talk to someone.
“Damn it, where did Sarah disappear to? I
can’t find her anywhere.” He ran his hands
through his hair, frustrated. “She won’t try to
ruin things tomorrow, will she? She must.
She’s so jealous of Tiffany, she’ll never let her
have a happy wedding.”
I curled my lip.
Don’t worry, Mark. I can’t.
“If she shows up, it means she still cares.” For
some reason, the annoyed look on Mark’s
face suddenly changed, “I guess it’s because I
haven’t cared about Sarah lately. Now I was
just thinking of trying to please Tiffany.”
“If she shows up tomorrow, I won’t hold it
against her. I’ll have to try a new strategy.
Maybe a little gentle discipline.”
I stared, speechless and felt ridiculous..
Was he still thinking about how to control
Just then, the doorbell rang, long and loud.
But Mark looked like he was expecting it.
“She’s finally lost it. She’s finally going to
make a big scene. Sarah, are you out there?”
He opened the door, and saw his secretary
standing in the doorway.
“Mr. Miller, this is the autopsy report.” He
tossed the file at Mark. “Take a look at that,
and tell me exactly who you dumped in the
waste pool today!”
The secretary’s eyes were filled with grief.
“Do you know how heartbreaking the report
“The whole steamer was covered with bloody
scratches. In that kind of pain, the only thing
she was trying to do was give her baby a
chance. She was so dedicated that she was
practically snapping her own fingers off, but
she couldn’t open the steamer, because your
locked it with a chain!”
“Do you know how pathetic that kid was? The
baby had already been born. There was still
no chance to even open his eyes and see the
world, just for his father to come and cook
him alive!”