A strange family Ch 1

A strange family Ch 1

A Strange Family 


I’m being bullied

And the freaks who are doing it are 

threatening to come to my house

I begged them not to

They don’t understand

I’m the only remotely normal person in my 


My dad’s a serial killer

My mom’s a total psycho

My brother’s a sociopath

And me

I’m just trying to survive

I dragged myself home, feeling like I was 

carrying the weight of the world

My dad answered the door

He was wearing an apron and had this 

sickeningly sweet smile plastered on his face

Hey, sweetie, I made you some afterschool 


His smile widened

It sent shivers down my spine

His apron was covered in bloodstains

Fresh bloodstains

Clearly, it had just been splattered there

Dad followed my horrified gaze and chuckled

OopsI got the apron dirty again. Your 

mom’s gonna kill me.” 

I nervously took off my shoes and stepped 


There was a young woman tied to a chair

Her hair was a mess, her face was covered in 

blood, and her lips were sewn shut

She saw me and started making these 

desperate, muffled noises, her eyes pleading 

I flinched and looked away

This lady,Dad said in this gentle voice, she 

abandoned her daughter, who wasn’t even 

five years old, to go fool around with some 


That poor kid got run over, a bloody mess

Can you imagine how much she suffered?” 

I sat on the couch, stiff as a board, trying not 

to look at the woman

A few seconds later, a bloodcurdling scream 

ripped through the air. 

It went on for what felt like forever, before 

finally fading away

Dad took off his glasses, wiped the blood off 

the lenses, and smiled at me

Honey, I’m gonna cut this lady up into little 

pieces now, so it might be a little gross. Why 

don’t you go to your room?” 

I practically sprinted to my room

I heard Dad sigh behind me

He muttered, I don’t know why she isn’t more 

like us.” 

I was shaking like a leaf

My whole body was covered in cold sweat

This wasn’t the first time I’d seen Dad kill 


The first time he did it in front of me, I was 


He sliced a guy’s throat open while I watched

He said the guy had abused his wife for 

years, driven her to suicide

And he hadn’t faced any consequences

So, Dad was taking care of it

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself 


But what really had me on edge was 

tomorrow night

Those jerks who were always bullying me 

were coming to my house

Just thinking about their faces made my 

stomach cramp

I begged them not to come

But they just grabbed my hair, slapped me 

around, and laughed, saying they wanted to 

see what kind of freak show raised a loser 

like me

They have no idea

Nobody who’s ever come to my house has 

ever left alive

The doorbell rang

I opened the door and there was my mom

She has this really innocent, pretty face, but

know how messed up she is

Mom smiled at me

Take off your clothes.” 

MomI pleaded

But I did what she said, and I started to shake 

as I took my clothes off, revealing all the 

scars and bruises on my body

Who did this? Hmm?Her smile got wider

I knew she was furious

When she gets angry, she does terrible 


A strange family novel

A strange family novel

Status: Ongoing


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