In the video, the dad was cut in half.
Ashley screamed.
I looked silently.
The teacher fell down and peed.
Matt couldn’t talk.
Ryan killed the dad.
He looked normal.
“I’m so sorry, let me free.” Ashley said.
Ryan said, “You told her you like being a
Ryan smiled and looked at me.
“I will show you a bitch.”
I shuddered.
The room was cold.
Mom said, “Don’t.”
Ashley screamed.
Ryan looked at her legs.
“I will make you into a dog.”
Ashley screamed.
“Don’t. You are hurting her!”
Ryan smiled.
Mom grabbed my hand.
“Come on, let them take care of it.”
“Sammy no! Please! You cant watch me die!”
They begged.
I stood, I said, “You shouldn’t have came
here. I told you.”
I left.
I heard screaming.
I’m used to it.
But I cried a lot.
I hugged Mom.
I said, “Will you guys kill me?”
Mom said, “What are you talking about?!”
“Remembering what you said. I know I’m not
your real child.”
Mom said, “You will always be our child. I
carried you.”
Mom said, “I shouldn’t say this. But your
brother, we adopted him.
“We thought he was normal, but he isn’t. He
is bad. We thought about killing him.
“He loves you.”
I said “Okay“.
The screaming stopped.
Someone opened the door.
I couldn’t look.
I looked at Ryan.
He had blood on his face.
He tried to wipe it off.
But I was happy.
My name is Sammy.
My parents are evil.
I inherited that personality.
But I hid it.
Ryan was adopted.
I was happy.
I love Ryan.
I would swallow him and keep him forever.
I pretended to be a good girl.
I shivered.
Not because I was scared.
I love my family.
They are stupid.
They don’t think.
Ryan killed those boys. I cleaned.
Dad killed for a while. I stopped him.
I am happy.
(The End)