two mountain properties, herds of cattle, a
seven–figure annual income. He gave her an
$88,000 dowry.
Jessica didn’t tell our family. She just took
her ID and eloped.
She said her happiness was all that mattered;
she didn’t need anyone else’s approval.
I had a few suitors myself.
But I wasn’t interested in dating, not ready
for a relationship.
Sarah kept creating new accounts, playing
whack–a–mole with internet users.
Eventually, people lost interest.
But newcomers, unfamiliar with her story, would still feel sorry for her and buy things from her online store.
She still made some money, but not much.
The internet justice warriors kept shutting her
She had another daughter. I saw the videos
she posted. The baby’s eyes were vacant,
Another child with developmental issues, it
I didn’t know whether to be relieved or sad.
Sarah announced she was trying for a fourth
child. She loved children, she said.
People condemned her, but she didn’t care.
My mom was in tears. She was now caring
for three disabled children.
Mark’s mom had made her escape long ago,
finding some excuse to disappear.
My mom couldn’t escape. Mark was keeping
an eye on her.
My mom posted a video, begging people to
convince Sarah not to have another child. She
couldn’t handle it anymore.
The next day, Sarah posted a video. Blood
was everywhere. Mark grinned vacantly at the
camera. “No one can stop me from having a healthy son.”
It was my mom’s blood.
Mark had killed her in her sleep, decapitating
In her mind, I was her personal blood bank,
my money hers for the taking.
My dad called. “Emily…will you come get
Did he think I was stupid?
He wanted me to come back and raise
Sarah’s kids.
“You did nothing wrong. Sarah is so good,
you should think about her more. She just
wants a healthy son.”
His voice was strained. “Emily, you’re all I have left. Please, will you come get me tomorrow?”
I refused.
My dad started caring for the three special needs children. He meekly signed a letter
My dad started caring for the three special
needs children. He meekly signed a letter
forgiving Mark.
Just like last time, Mark didn’t go to jail.
Six months later, Sarah announced online that
she was pregnant with her fourth child.
She was convinced it would be a healthy boy.
She said she just knew it.
A few days later, I got a call from the police.
My dad had poisoned everyone, including Mark’s parents, lacing their food with
A few days later, I got a call from the police.
My dad had poisoned everyone, including
Mark’s parents, lacing their food with
something deadly. Four adults, three children.
All dead.
My dad was sentenced to death.
He said, tears streaming down his face,
“Emily, I’m so sorry.”
I didn’t know what he was sorry for, but I was
finally free.
A few days later, I got a call from the police.
My dad had poisoned everyone, including Mark’s parents, lacing their food with
A few days later, I got a call from the police.
My dad had poisoned everyone, including
Mark’s parents, lacing their food with
something deadly. Four adults, three children.
All dead.
My dad was sentenced to death.
He said, tears streaming down his face,
“Emily, I’m so sorry.”
I didn’t know what he was sorry for, but I was
finally free.
The End.