After being ignored 304 times, I
decided to divorce
Chapter 1
I begged my husband, like, 304 times.
Finally, he agreed to take my dad on one last
trip to the sea.
But here I was, standing on the beach,
watching the last bit of warmth leave Dad in
his wheelchair.
And Mr. Wonderful was nowhere in sight.
Then his “soulmate” posts a freaking
Instagram pic of them watching the clouds in
“Escaping the mundane, as long as I have
you.” Ugh.
I accidentally liked it, then bam! A text from
“How many times have I told you, stay away
from Brittany! If you can’t control yourself,
we’re getting a divorce!”
I’ve lost count of how many times he’s
threatened me with that word.
I’m just so over it.
“Fine, let’s get a divorce.”
- 1.
It was the middle of the night by the time I
finished with Dad’s arrangements.
And wouldn’t you know it, Brittany just had to
post another update.
Her and Greg were at some ranch, sitting
around a bonfire with the locals, looking at
the stars.
Greg, who never posts anything, even
commented on the pic:
“Anything for you, babe.”
And all their mutual friends were sending their
love and blessings.
Like, hello? They all knew I exist, but
apparently Greg and Brittany were meant to
- be.
Me? I’m just his wife on paper.
Basically, a placeholder until Brittany decided
to come back.
Greg can fly out to Montana for Brittany, even
though he can’t handle the altitude.
But he couldn’t drive a few miles to the beach
for my dad.
All those times I begged? Not even close to
Brittany batting her eyelashes.
I’m just so damn tired.
I was up on the hospital roof, looking at the
city lights, when Greg finally calls.
All because I said the “D–word” a few hours.
“Are you seriously still on this divorce thing?
Don’t you get tired of it?”
But you’re the one who always brings it up,
He just thinks I can’t leave him, that I’m so in
love, I’d give him everything.
That’s why he throws “divorce” around like
it’s nothing.
He knows I won’t go, because for the last
eight years, I’ve always caved.
So he uses it to control me.
Well, this is the first and last time I bring it
- up.
“My dad’s gone, you don’t have to pretend to
be a loving husband anymore.”
Greg went silent for a minute, then his voice
got all soft.
“Where are you? I’ll come be with you.”
Where am I?
Like he’d actually ditch Brittany and fly
halfway across the country for me.
Yeah, right.
But he hung up before I could say anything.
I was just trying to get home and crash, but I
got all dizzy on the way downstairs and ate it