After being reborn, I gave up my wife who only had eyes for her male assistant.
Chapter 1
Okay, so my wife’s assistant, this dude, totally flubbed it and flicked his cigarette butt into
the engine.
Next thing you know, the tourist train is blazing up like a bonfire.
In the heat of the moment, my wife, the train conductor, is screaming for help.
And me? The head engineer? I’m just chilling, scrolling through my phone, not a care in the
Last life, when her aerial tram went haywire, I
was the first one on the scene, going all out
to save the day.
We managed to get everyone on board safely
back on solid ground.
I rushed over to make sure my wife was okay,
and BAM! She smacks me so hard I see stars.
She’s screaming at me, saying I wanted her
dead, that my screw–up nearly killed a
hundred people.
Then my childhood sweetheart, the railroad
tycoon’s daughter who swore she’d marry me,
chimed in.
She said, “Liam messed up, but it’s not a
death sentence. I’ll fire him and make an
example of him.”
Seriously? I saved everyone, and they threw
me on the tracks, and a train ran me over.
Poof. Gone.
Meanwhile, her assistant, Chad, got promoted
like crazy for ratting me out.
He ended up with my wife and my
sweetheart, living the high life.
I woke up, and it was the day of the train wreck all over again.
“Train’s checked out, no issues. Let’s roll.” I said calmly from the control center.
My wife, Ashley’s voice was all sweet, “It’s Chad’s first time running the tram. Go easy on him, okay?”
Chad was nothing special, wouldn’t have
gotten the job if Ashley hadn’t pulled some
As she hung up, she just had to say, “Chad
and I are just coworkers, don’t get any ideas.”
I bit back the rage and just mumbled, “Okay.”
Ding ding! A notification popped up, the
security cameras were fixed.
We had cameras all along the tracks to keep an eye on the tram and the tourists.
Last time, Ashley barely got the train moving before she started screaming for help. My brain was fried.
I had checked everything! How could this happen?
I jumped in, trying to figure out what went
wrong, checking the weather, wind speed,
Turns out, some idiot flicked a cigarette butt
into the engine, and that’s what caused the
whole mess.
I talked her through it, and Ashley landed the
tram safely. It was close, but we made it.
I ran out to greet Ashley, make sure she was
Before I could even touch her, some angry
passengers shoved me down, stomping on my
Ashley and Chad were being treated like
People were saying, “That crazy bastard
almost killed us all! If it weren’t for these two,
we’d all be dead!”
I saw Ashley giving Chad a smug look.
Something didn’t feel right.
The crowd was trampling me.
I finally got up, and Ashley was glaring at me.
“Why? How could you, as the head engineer,
miss something like that?”
She was furious, yelling that I almost killed a
hundred people.
“What are you talking about?” I said, “I
checked everything before the train left.
There was nothing wrong. And I helped your
land the tram safely!”
Before I could finish, Ashley slapped me
across the face.
“Liam, you can’t just try to kill Ashley because
you’re seeing someone else!
If you just told her, she wouldn’t keep
bothering you, right?”
Chad added, “And this is just your personal
How could you risk the lives of all those
passengers? They have families waiting for
Chad’s words set everyone off.
The crowd was looking for someone to
They started beating the crap out of me.
My childhood friend, Tiffany, the railroad’s
owner’s daughter, showed up.
I begged her for help.
Tiffany and I grew up together, and she used
to say she’d only marry me.
After I married Ashley, I told her we had to
stay away from each other, but she couldn’t
cut me out completely.
If she checked the security footage, she could
prove I was innocent.
She went.
But of course, the cameras were broken.
No evidence.
Tiffany looked at me with disappointment and
sighed, “Liam, you screwed up big time. I
can’t help you.”
They broke my arms and legs, crushed my
skull, and threw me onto the tracks.
The next tram came barreling down.
It ran me over, turning me into a bloody mess.
The pain of my bones breaking apart was
burned into my soul.
Even now, I’m shaking.
History was repeating itself.
The same thing happened.
Ashley pushed the panic button just ten
minutes after the train started.
“Mayday! Mayday! Aerial Tram 512 on the
Brooklyn Bridge, major incident, requesting
immediate assistance!”
Ashley’s voice was shaking, but I took off my
work gloves and leaned back.
I even started scrolling through my phone.
Thirty minutes later, I watched Ashley land the
train, just like before.
I made myself a cup of tea, sipped it slowly,
then strolled over to the landing site.
Ashley saw me and her eyes turned red. She
charged at me, screaming, “Liam, you’re
supposed to be the head engineer! You’re no
better than a murderer!”
I stretched and yawned.
“What did I do? I don’t remember. Tell me
about it.”
Ashley was losing it, “You animal! You knew