the engine was messed up, and you didn’t say
anything! You almost killed everyone!”
She punched me in the nose, scratching my
Ashley pointed at my t’eeding nose, “He did
it! He knew about the engine problems and
sent the wrong signals, forcing me to take a crazy detour! We’re lucky to be alive!”
The crowd, still pumped from surviving,
turned on me.
“What a joke! He’s supposed to be an
engineer? He’s dumber than a bag of rocks!”
“How did he get this job? Did he sleep with
“We need to report him before he kills
someone else!”
“Forget talking! Let’s beat him to a pulp!”
The crowd wanted to tear me apart.
I looked over at Chad, who was smirking.
Ashley was stone–faced.
Having gone through this before, I knew that
Ashley wouldn’t care if I died.
She’d probably throw a party with Chad.
“First, I’m a certified engineer. You can check
online. Second, I’ve dealt with train wrecks
before. I have the medals to prove it. Third,
the train conductor is my wife, and you can
check our marriage certificate!”
“So, why would I risk everything to mess with
my reputation?”
As I pulled out my ID and achievements, the
crowd started whispering.
Chad looked awkward, and Ashley jumped in.
She looked like she didn’t want to say it, but
had to.
“Liam, even though you’re my husband, I have
to be honest. I can’t let our marriage get in
the way of protecting these passengers.”
“What you did was horrible! Your screw–up
almost killed a hundred people!”
Ashley’s tone and attitude said she was ready
to send her own husband to the gallows.
The crowd went wild again.
Someone shouted, “What’s going on? Are you
going to turn your husband in? Tell us what’s
Ashley bit her lip, glaring at me.
Chad spoke quietly, “Liam’s seeing someone
He said it softly, but everyone heard.
“If Ashley wasn’t so skilled and the wind
didn’t die down, we’d all be dead.”
He mumbled, “Falling from the Brooklyn
Bridge… our bodies would be lost in the
Everyone was angry, “That bastard! He tried
to kill his wife for another woman, risking the
lives of everyone on board! He’s a monster!”
They started swarming me.
I was about to suffocate when I saw the look
of triumph in Chad’s eyes and the coldness of
Having lived through this before, I knew that
Ashley wouldn’t care if I died right there.
She’d probably say I deserved it, and then go
cuddle with Chad.
Last time, they threw me on the tracks, and
the train crushed my bones.
My soul floated out of my body in agony.
It was too much to bear.
My soul stayed with Ashley, watching her and
Chad living happily ever after.
When the railroad people asked her how to
deal with my body, Ashley was too busy
feeding grapes to Chad.
She frowned and said, “We have stray dogs,
right? Just throw my ex to them.”
I loved Ashley for years and gave her
everything. And in the end, I didn’t even get a
proper burial.
As the angry crowd surrounded me, I heard a
loud roar and sirens.
A convoy of police cars arrived, and the
officers quickly controlled the crowd.
The people were yelling, “This guy is evil! He
tried to kill his wife for his mistress! And he
almost killed a hundred passengers! He
should be executed!”
I watched Ashley and Chad get arrested. They
looked confused and angry. I found it a little
Last time, I thought I was an industry leader,
but I fell for such a dirty trick!
The officer asked, “Mr. Liam, do you have
anything to say about these accusations?”
I said, “Just collect the evidence and follow
the process.”
The officer questioned Ashley about what
At the same time, Chad was being
questioned, too.
“Ms. Ashley, Mr. Chad, you are claiming that
Mr. Liam sent you false information during an
emergency? When and how did he send it?
What was the exact information?”
Ashley wasn’t used to being grilled like that.
She started sweating, “Liam sent the
information from the control center this
morning. He said the weather was stable and
the train could run normally.”
She probably thought she could lie, since the
cameras were broken.
The officer made notes and asked, “If the
weather changed, you would have noticed,
right? And if it was an emergency, you could
have skipped the report and taken action. The