Ashley wouldn’t give up.
She started doing stuff where there weren’t
any cameras.
She would grab my hand and fall down the
stairs, pretending that I pushed her.
I laughed at her.
She thought there weren’t any cameras.
But I had put some in secretly.
I was ready for her.
She found out and got angry.
My parents hated her.
She didn’t realize it and kept acting up.
She got hurt.
She got more scars.
My parents lost faith in her.
She didn’t know what to do.
I smiled and called her over.
She looked confused and angry.
“Don’t think you can boss me around because
our parents are protecting you.”
“They love you, but they’ll give me money.”
I laughed.
I changed the subject.
“Do you want our parents to pay attention to
you again? I have an idea.”
She stopped talking and looked at me.
“What do you mean?”
What did I mean?
I smiled.
“You’re our parents‘ daughter. They can’t
ignore you.”
“The company’s having its annual party soon.
You should tell everyone you’re our sister.”
“It will get a lot of attention. It will help the
company, and our parents will be grateful.”
Ashley thought about it.
She seemed to like the idea.