- 17.
Ashley ruined the party.
People were talking about Ashley.
The company’s reputation was damaged.
My parents were embarrassed.
They tried everything to fix it.
They decided to talk about it publicly.
They had a press conference.
My parents said Ashley wasn’t their daughter.
They acted sad.
“No one knows what it’s like to lose a
“We adopted Ashley to make us feel better.
Emily is our only daughter.”
“Ashley’s actions have nothing to do with us.
We’re cutting ties with her.”
Ashley froze.
Her face went blank.
My parents didn’t want to be related to
She still lived at home, but she was an
She knew it.
She started looking at us differently.
I was careful around her.
Then I saw her come home with a can of
- 18.
I watched her on the security camera.
She waited until my parents were asleep and
started pouring gasoline everywhere.
“You’re all going to die! Then I’ll inherit
She was crazy!
I laughed.
I ran out.
Ashley was insane.
She locked all the doors and windows.
She looked at my parents.
She smiled.
She threw the lighter at the gasoline.
Then she ran out.
I was cold.
I locked the door.
Ashley tried to open it.
She panicked.
She struggled.
It was useless.
The house was on fire.
I heard the fire crackling.
I went downstairs.