As I packed, Britney appeared. “Ashley, where
are you going?”
I ignored her. She slapped my clothes to the
floor. “You think you’re better than me? I’m
the future CEO!”
I studied her. On arrival, she’d sobbed about
years of abuse from her adoptive parents.
Now, I doubted it. An abused adult wouldn’t
stay put. And Britney’s skin was flawless,
hardly a mark on her. It was all a ploy for
Mom’s sympathy.
“Done with the act? You were quite
convincing downstairs,” I said, smiling. “Your
skin is remarkably smooth. They really abused
She froze, then erupted. “You don’t know
anything! They–äbused me! I never had
anything I wanted! What’s the point of
living?!” She kicked my suitcase. “You said
you’d give me everything! You’re not taking
anything! You can experience poverty now!”
She lunged, tearing at my clothes. Footsteps
echoed on the stairs.
“Bang!” Britney crumpled to the floor as
someone entered. “Ashley! I was just helping
you pack! Why did you hit me?!”
She sobbed, clutching her head. A perfect
Before I could speak, Mom slapped me.
I met her furious gaze. What was the point of
“I asked you to give up the CEO position, and
you assault her? I should’ve known you
wouldn’t agree!”
Each word cut like a knife. I wiped the blood
from my lip. “Look around. Whose room is
this? Who started it?”
My coldness startled her. She noticed the
scattered clothes, the overturned suitcase,
but remained silent.
I dragged out another suitcase and slammed
it at her feet. Then, I shouted at Britney, “I
said I’d give you everything!” I turned to Mom.
“You too!”
I kicked the suitcase open. Cash erupted,
raining down on us.