After my daughter was beaten by a fake master, I went crazy
Chapter 1
I was stuck in a shareholder meeting, of all
Then, BOOM, my kid’s kindergarten teacher
tags me in the parent group chat:
“Hey, Ashley’s mom, Ashley’s been expelled.
Come get her, ASAP.”
I’m like, “What the actual heck? Why?”
Some woman, contact name “Brayden’s
Mom,” chimes in, all high and mighty:
“She didn’t call my son ‘Master Brayden.‘ You
think I’m letting that slide?”
“My husband’s the freaking brother of
billionaire Simon Sterling, Brad Sterling! Got a
Before I could even type a reply, the teacher’s
all over her:
“Oh, Brayden’s mom, so sorry! I didn’t realize
Brayden was just… expressing himself when
he hit Ashley. ”
“It was my mistake. Brayden’s getting a ‘Star
Student‘ award tomorrow! He’s such a role
The other parents are all brown–nosing,
saying how “down–to–earth” the Sterlings
Then someone actually posts a pic of my
daughter, Ashley, with a black eye and her
clothes ripped.
They tag me and say getting beaten up by a
Sterling nephew is “an honor,” and I should be
I nearly choked. Brad Sterling was my
brother…but he’s been gone for ten years!
I ended the meeting right then and there, and
started racing toward the school, firing off a
message to my company’s legal team:
“Find out who is impersonating my brother!”
“And my daughter was assaulted. Get down
to ‘Little Sprouts Academy‘, NOW. I want
them to pay, and I mean, REALLY pay!”