First thing in the morning, there was Brenda,
with a huge platter of sushi in front of her.
She was so skinny, but her stomach, even
though she was only five months along,
looked like she was carrying twins. It was
kinda creepy.
She was just grabbing handfuls of raw
seafood, stuffing her face with it.
The slimy juice was running down her chin. It
reminded me of what I saw last night, and I
couldn’t help but frown.
In no time, the platter was empty.
She caught me staring and glared at me.
“What are you looking at? You jealous my baby’s getting enough to eat? You gonna say something to curse him again?”
Mom heard that from the kitchen and went
ballistic, running out and slapping me across the face.
“You little brat! You’re going to curse my grandbaby? Get on your knees and apologize, or I’ll make you sorry!”
My dad and Kevin were glaring at me too, like I was some kind of monster.
Brenda patted her stomach and smirked,
waiting for me to beg forgiveness from her
and the thing inside her.
I just smiled.
“You misunderstood, I’m happy that you’re
well and that the baby is thriving. You are
doing us all a great service“.
“I used to be naive, but now I know that Sushi
is extremely nutritious, and my sister–in–law
is providing the baby with excellent nutrients“.
“I was going to ask you for a taste since you’re having such a great feast“.
Brenda glared at me and hid the empty plate
in her arms.
“There is not enough for my baby, so you
cannot have any“.
Mom kicked me.
“Don’t even think about it! You aren’t getting
anywhere near my grandbaby’s food! Now get
to work, you won’t be eating anything today.”
Kevin spat at me, a look of pure hatred on his
“You don’t earn a thing, and yet you want my
son’s food! You may as well get married so
that we can use the marriage money for more
sushi for the baby!”
He was the one leeching off Mom and me,
and now he was blaming me for the financial
“What are you talking about! I would never
take food away from my Nephew. My friend
just opened up a Sushi store, and I ordered a
large amount of sushi just for her to have.”
“I’m on my way to pick it up now.‘
Mom, Dad, Kevin, and Brenda looked at me
with excitement.
Sushi was expensive. I was the only person
keeping them afloat at this point.
Mom instantly changed her behavior and took
the broom from my hand, beaming.
“My daughter is so talented. Go and do what
you have to do. I can take care of this work“.
I didn’t argue, got dressed, and left.
I ran all over town, buying up discounted
Sushi everywhere.
I then contacted my connections and had them ship me an even larger amount of discount Sushi.
I was dragging a pile of sushi home when it
was already dark out.
As soon as I entered the door, Mom yelled at
- me.
“What took you so long? Your sister–in–law is hungry! What are you doing to my grandson.”
I immediately showed the cart behind me.
“The place was a little far away, and there was a lot of food, so it took a while.”
Mom’s eyes were bulging out. She did not care what I was saying at this point.
I smiled lightly.
“I made sure to buy a lot so that everyone
can have some“.
Hearing me say that, Mom gulped down her saliva.
Sushi was very expensive, and I had seen them long to eat it for a while.
Brenda’s eyes were glistening behind Mom, to the point where she might try to eat it now.
She urged me to do it quicker.
“Quick! Do it quick! My son is hungry“.
Join the bookst is
As soon as I put the large platter of sushi on
the table, Dad, Kevin, and Brenda ravenously
went for it.
“This is amazing! This is why my son likes it
so much. We have a kid who has good taste!”
Mom pushed through the crowd and glared at
- me.
“Don’t just stand there! Keep going! Can’t
you see that they want to eat!”
I kept putting platter after platter on the
Mom saw that I was not eating any and
“Joy, why aren’t you eating?”
I started panicking inside and carefully
“There is always an end to eating the Sushi.
Of course, the best things must be reserved
for my parents and my siblings.”
Mom did not think too much about it and let
out a comment of understanding, and
continued to eat sushi.
They were gorging themselves to the point
where the juices were running down their
I watched with a cold gaze.
The discount sushi had so many worms in it.
Eat, the more you eat, the better.
Since you want a son so badly, then let us all
have sons.