With their bellies getting bigger, their
appetites went through the roof.
Especially Brenda. That girl could put away
enough food for five people!
Her stomach stretched so tight, it was
practically see–through. You could see these
little worms crawling around under her skin,
all creepy and gross.
Sometimes, I could even see her belly rippling and twitching.
We blew through that pile of seafood I got in no time, and they were all over me to get
I’d barely lugged in the latest batch of raw fish when Brenda charged at me, grabbed a handful, and started stuffing her face.
I swallowed hard and took a step back
without thinking.
Join the bookshelf
Suddenly, Brenda clutched her stomach, her
face contorted in pain.
“Agh! It hurts! I think I’m going into labor!”
I caught her before she could fall, and I could feel her stomach pulsing, like something was trying to break through.
My folks and Kevin came running.
“She’s not even full term yet, what’s going
on?” my dad wondered.
Mom was the first to snap out of it.
“Don’t just stand there, get her to the
Kevin scooped Brenda up and ran downstairs,
heading to the car.
All the way there, Brenda was screaming, her
huge stomach pulsing like crazy, almost
She reached out to scratch at her belly, she
was so desperate.
Mom and Dad grabbed her arms, pinning
them down on either side of her.
“Women go through this! You gotta be
strong, honey, think of the baby! Don’t hurt
my grandson!”
Brenda was out of it, didn’t hear a thing they
were saying.
She was so strong all of a sudden, she broke
free and started clawing at her stomach, leaving bloody streaks.
The translucent skin with those scratches
looked so awful, like her stomach was about to rip open.
My parents were freaking out, and Mom
kicked me in the back of the seat.
“You useless bum! Help us out here! If
anything happens to my grandson, you’re
I twisted around, doing my best to grab Brenda’s flailing arms.
Brenda’s stomach pulsed harder, the skin getting thinner and thinner, like something was pushing from the inside. It was covered with red stretch marks, so creepy and weird.
Brenda’s screams were getting worse, but Mom just smiled.
“See, that’s my grandson! He’s strong and healthy, can’t wait to get out!”
“Kevin, step on it! The little guy’s getting
Kevin floored it, speeding through traffic,
running red lights left and right.
I was terrified. I glanced at the speedometer,
and it was way past the limit.
“Take it easy, okay? We’re going too fast!”
Kevin spat at me, the spit landing on my face.
“Shut your trap, you jinx! My son’s in a hurry.
If anything goes wrong, I’ll skin you alive!”
My dad chimed in, “He’s right. You idiot, you
can pay the tickets when the time comes,
anyway it’s better to have a son out sooner
than later.”
He ran at least five red lights, he could lose
his license.
Not to mention the illegal lane changes, driving in the wrong lane, honking the horn the whole way.
I just stared at the traffic camera and shut my mouth.
As we pulled up to the hospital, Brenda
started thrashing around even more, her belly
covered in rips and marks.