Then there was the work trip where she
couldn’t send me a clear image of her driver’s
I spent hours explaining to her how to take a
proper picture so that it could be read, and
what did she send me?
A close–up of each corner of the card.
I almost lost my lunch from anger, but Lily
said it was my fault for not being clear.
Ever since then, I made sure to clarify
everything when speaking to her, but it wasn’t
enough to deal with her clueless behavior.
- 2.
I told her the meeting was at nine in the fourth–floor conference room. She gave me
this confused look and asked, “Nine PM? Isn’t
that kinda late? I leave at five.”
I gave her my best fake smile. “Nine AM.
When do we ever work overtime here? You’ve
been here long enough to know that.”
Lily listened to me, looked at her phone, and
jumped up from her chair. “But it’s already
noon! You should have told me sooner!”
I was already used to her antics. “It’s for
tomorrow morning, nine AM.”
I thought that was the end of it, but then she
asked, “Which conference room is it in?”
I had enough. If murder wasn’t illegal, she
would have been dead already.
I took a few deep breaths and told her, “Don’t
worry about it. It’s not that important. You
can goof off at your desk. You don’t need to
I thought I was in the clear. But at 9 AM
during the meeting, Lily burst into the room,
teary–eyed. “Ashley, I really want to learn
during this internship! Can you please stop
picking on me?”
Everyone was shocked.
And my boyfriend Mike stood up and pointed
at me. “Ashley told me she doesn’t want to
train interns. She already accepted a job at
another company and she’s leaving soon!”
Everyone knew Mike and I were dating, so
they trusted what he had to say. The boss
was not happy about being interrupted, and
he fired me on the spot.
That was when I found out Mike and Lily were
sleeping together behind my back. After
losing my job and boyfriend, I snapped.
Because of it, I ended up in a depression and
killed myself at work.
This time, I wasn’t going to die so
pathetically. Now that Lily was Mike’s
problem, I would let it happen.
I sent Mike an emoji and turned off my phone.
That night, Mike and I went out to dinner. I
casually asked, “My intern is pretty
hardworking. How’s yours doing?”
Mike smiled easily. “Her? She’s kinda dumb. I
asked her for my phone charger, and she
asked me what I needed it for. Is that not
He’ll be crying soon enough.
I chuckled. “Yeah, she’s probably just new.
You should teach her.”
Mike didn’t notice anything. He nodded. “She
tries hard. She asks me a lot of questions. I
think she’ll be fine.”
I didn’t say anything else and kept eating.
- 3.
A few days later, I was goofing off at my desk
when Lily walked over to me. “Hey, Ashley,
can I ask you something?”
For some reason, she sounded louder than
I looked around. All my coworkers were
glancing at us before looking back down.
“What’s up?”